After Christian Europeans successfully seized Jerusalem from Islamic infidels during the Crusades of the Middle Ages, various entities originated in the Holy Land to exert influence over this contested region. One of these was the Order of the Knights Templar, initially a group of only nine knights who were intent on protecting pilgrims making their way along the dangerous roads that led to Jerusalem.
#knightstemplar #TheCrusades
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the most significant achievements made by mankind over the past 50 years?
Humanity's greatest accomplishment in the last fifty-years is its ability to communicate over great distances with unprecedented speed and accuracy. This is the single greatest technological advance in human history.
The internet is a network of tubes that connects the world. These tubes are made up of fiber optic cables. Each cable transmits information at up to 10 gigabits/second - which is more than 1,000,000 times faster than the average home broadband connection.
This technology allows us to share ideas, knowledge, and culture across the globe. Now, you don't have to physically travel across the globe to get any information.
Amazing advances in medicine and science have been made possible by our ability to share information. Scientists are now able to sequence genomes in half the time that it took 20 years ago.
Technology advances allow researchers to model complex biological processes in realtime. This means that we can finally unlock the secrets of diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.
These innovations could save millions of people's lives.
There is one downside to this incredible technology. For our daily activities, we have come to depend heavily on the internet over recent years. This has resulted in many problems including cyberbullying and identity theft.
But there may be a bigger problem. The danger of a global cyber-crisis is growing as more people become dependent on the internet.
As we become more dependent on the internet, so does our vulnerability. Businesses could lose billions of dollars in productivity if the internet stops working for any length of time. It would compromise our financial transactions and health records as well as communications with government agencies.
We already see early signs of what may happen if internet goes down. Think back to Hurricane Sandy. It knocked out power to many homes in the east. Within days hackers had stolen credit card numbers using the internet outage.
If you look around your own house, you'll find many devices connected to the internet. Amazon can be connected to your fridge so you can order food online. Your car will be able to check traffic conditions, and even book service appointments. Your car can even turn your lights off remotely. These things are possible due to the microprocessors that they each have inside. They can communicate with each other through the internet.
When Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, these microprocessors could not transmit data across their networks. The result was that cars couldn't start or stop engines, fridges couldn't order food, and lights couldn't turn themselves off. It created chaos and confusion during an emergency.
This could also happen in a national emergency like a terrorist attack or natural disaster. Imagine how difficult it is for police officers and paramedics to respond to emergencies or crimes. What would hospitals do without computers to manage patient care? How about communication between citizens, government agencies and each other?
The good news is that the infrastructure needed to prevent something like this from happening is already in place. Water treatment facilities, power plants, and other vital services have been built to withstand hurricane-like events. However, the systems aren’t meant to withstand an entire loss of electricity from a large-scale hacker attack.
For example, if hackers managed to take over a nuclear plant, they could shut down the facility within seconds. They could also cause panic by contaminating the water supply.
So while the infrastructure exists, the question remains: will we ever get serious about building resilience into the system?
Two scientists from MIT published a 2005 paper titled "A Failure Model to Cloud Computing." It described a future without a single point for failure. Each device can experience multiple points of failure. Instead of losing your phone's battery, you might lose your entire device. This means that both your smartphone and computer must be replaced.
In the past, we've been able to rely on a few key components like electrical grids and telephone lines to keep us safe. However, cloud-based computing is becoming more popular as people put more of their lives online. We're relying on technologies without much testing under real-world conditions. And now that we're doing that, we need to ensure that those technologies are resilient enough to handle disasters like hurricanes or massive cyberattacks.
That's why I'm excited about the work being done by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST collaborates with industry experts to establish standards that help us build resilience to our technology. These standards will ensure that when we go online, everything works together seamlessly. Even if power goes out, phones will still work. Our refrigerators still order us dinner. Our traffic reports still show us which roads are open.
We will be better prepared for any type of event if all our devices are able to communicate.
What were some of the major inventions made in the early days of humanity's history?
Think of the most important invention in human history. Imagine an inventor who created a device to allow us all to do the same thing, but for many more people.
What would that look and feel like? Is there a way to make it more beautiful? It could change the course of history. If you had the opportunity, how would you approach it?
These questions will help determine where innovation starts.
Innovation is the ability or capability to solve problems in innovative and useful ways. Innovation is key to solving any problem. Innovation means to make something new.
Now, let's consider the difference between invention and innovation. Invention refers to the creation of something new. Innovation is the process of improving on an existing thing. The wheel, for example, was created long before it was made possible by the invention of the bicycle.
Both inventions and innovations require imagination and creativity. These skills require different skills. Innovators can see what others can't. They can spot problems, think outside their box, and discover solutions.
An investor can envision possibilities. An investor can see possibilities and take a concept from one idea into another. They are able to explain and understand their ideas, so others can also follow them.
Innovation requires imagination. It requires being creative. It takes creativity.
An investor must be willing and able to think differently. To move beyond their comfort zone. To be challenged to discover new solutions.
A good inventor understands that the best solution isn't always the easiest. Sometimes, finding the right question is the hardest part.
However, an inventor is not only interested in solving a problem. They want improvements on something. They want to make it better.
So, when considering your next invention, remember that you have two options:
- You have two options.
- You can improve upon what is already there.
The first step to improving your skills is to define the problem. The second step is to find out if there are other solutions.
Sometimes, the problem you are trying to solve is no longer valid because it has changed over time. This is called obsolescence.
Another common reason for innovation failure is that the market is saturated. There are simply too many products for consumers. Therefore, there is not enough demand for a particular product.
This is why it is important to concentrate on niche markets. These are the areas that have potential for growth.
However, remember that the market may not yet be ready for your product. That is why you need to test your idea. It's worth testing. Let us know what you think.
Also, be sure to evaluate whether the idea is worth your time. Does your idea really make a difference? Does it add value to something already working?
You need to get out your comfort zone to invent. You need to push yourself to think differently. You should be open to learning more about the topic.
You should always be open to new ideas. It would be great if you make mistakes along the journey.
You can only discover what is possible by failing. Failure will teach you how success is possible.
What is the greatest achievement in medicine?
Modern medicine was revolutionized when penicillin was discovered. But when Alexander Fleming discovered his mold, he had no idea how important it would become. His discovery led to antibiotic development, which saved many lives.
This breakthrough revolutionized the world. It has led to a longer and more fulfilling life.
Fleming was more than just an antibiotic researcher. He also created a way of growing bacteria in large quantities. This allowed scientists to study the bacteria for the first-time.
Fleming’s discovery gave us insight into our bodies as well as diseases that we hadn't imagined. This discovery allowed doctors to pinpoint the source of tuberculosis.
The discovery of penicillin brought about a change in public health policy. People suffering from infections like pneumonia or meningitis used toxic drugs in the past.
Patients could, however, be treated with penicillin without the risk of death.
Since its inception, penicillin has been used to treat bacterial infection. Penicillin is one of medical's greatest achievements.
Fleming’s breakthrough is noteworthy for two reasons. First, Fleming was working alone and is isolated from the rest.
Second, he published his findings at Nature.
He could publish his findings because he knew exactly what he'd found. That made him a pioneer.
He didn't know the exact direction his research would take, but he just followed his instincts. It paid off. That's why I believe he should be acknowledged as the father of microbiology.
Alexander Fleming, 65 years old, died in 1955. He spent his entire career working at St Mary's Hospital in London.
He retired and returned to Scotland. He lived there up to his death.
What are the Top 5 innovations in human history?
The discovery of fire was the greatest innovation in human history. Fire changed our relationship with nature forever. It enabled us to heat our homes in cold weather and cook delicious food. It also allowed us to control light, heat, and electricity.
Fire allowed us to build tools, weapons, cities, and more.
Fire made us, the humans, more intelligent. We were able to communicate more effectively, learn faster, and travel further.
Inventions such as writing, printing, and gunpowder followed shortly after. This invention made it easier to share information.
These technological advancements brought social changes. To protect, secure, and provide comfort, people began living in groups.
Human beings began forming larger communities and eventually countries. This led eventually to the development laws, government, and religions.
Finally, medical and sanitation became widely available. The middle class grew with these developments.
All these inventions created a place where humanity can thrive. Humanity had finally escaped from the cave.
Technology continues its revolution in today's world. New technologies are constantly being developed to make life easier, more secure, and more convenient.
We've made so many strides but still face many obstacles. One of those challenges is climate change.
Burning fossil fuels causes climate change. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by burning coal, oil, or gas.
Carbon dioxide traps heat near the Earth's surface, causing temperatures to rise.
This causes glaciers and sea levels to melt. Coral reefs begin to die as the oceans become warmer.
These factors render coastal areas inhospitable.
Millions have been forced out of their homes by this phenomenon. Many countries have declared war against climate change.
However, we must continue to develop new technologies despite all the above. Why not? We won't be able to survive if we do.
What inventions have had a negative impact on society?
The following list shows some examples of what inventions hurt society.
Gunpowder became a weapon of mass destruction after wars. It is estimated that 10,000,000 people died as a result of this invention.
Our lives have been transformed by inventions such as electricity and the steam engine. They made our lives simpler. But they can also create problems like pollution, noise, traffic jams and accidents.
Guns were the catalyst for millions of deaths. People started killing each other because they could use these weapons easily. This problem exists today.
The advent of nuclear power plants allowed radioactive radiation to be spread throughout the environment. Scientists believe we are living in the worst time of human history.
There were several attempts to invent something that would completely change our lives forever. Some were successful while others failed.
Why is fire considered the greatest achievement for mankind?
Fire is a powerful force of nature, and a symbol for power and energy. Fire holds such significance in our culture that we even give names to days of the week based on how much fire there is in them. Tuesday, for example, is "fire day" since it's when sunset occurs.
The symbol of fire can be used to denote more than heat. It can also be used to signify strength, power and passion. So why do we consider fire as the greatest accomplishment for man?
Fire is the most powerful element of the universe. It represents the beginning and end, source and destination. There's no better way to express its versatility than this.
Fire has many uses beyond providing heat and light. Humans use fire to make art and cook food, as well as provide heat and light for reading and studying.
Also, fire is used to kill - we use it to burn coal to generate electricity and to destroy trees. You can use fire to kill animals or to help you communicate.
While fire may appear to be a harmful element, it is not. Instead, fire is a very beneficial element. It is a way to help us survive, protect ourself and provide entertainment.
- H. antecessoris knew from fossils from Spain and England that are dated 1.2 Ma–500ka.[205][206]refers to a single skull cap from Italy, estimated to be about 800,000 years old. (en.wikipedia.org)
- Also proposed as Homo sapiens heidelbergensis or Homo sapiens paleohungaricus.[208]H. rhodesiensis, and the Gawis cranium[edit]H. rhodesiensis, estimated to be 300,000–125,000 years old. (en.wikipedia.org)
- Retrieved April 26, 2015. Sequence differences from the human genome were confirmed to be ∼1% in areas that can be precisely aligned, representing ∼35 million single base-pair differences. (en.wikipedia.org)
- Nonetheless, humans retain a degree of sexual dimorphism in the distribution of body hair, subcutaneous fat, and overall size, with males being around 15% larger than females. (en.wikipedia.org)
- dating of two H.nalediteeth, to 253+82−70 ka, for an estimated age of the fossils of 253+82−17 ka. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- Grappling with Earth's Ozone: Published 1990
- A 'Paleo Diet of Carbs for Evolving Brains - The New York Times
How To
What are five examples of innovation?
Innovation is the ability create something new that makes people's lives better.
Innovation is about curiosity. This means asking questions. Not any old questions, but ones that make your uncomfortable.
You can see beyond what is obvious when you are willing to get out of your comfort zone to ask these questions. To find the answers to questions that nobody else even asks.
It takes an open mind to see that there may be another way.
However, this is not easy. It can be hard to admit you don't know how to do things when you've been told we are right all of our lives.
However, when we do so, we can open ourselves up for the possibility to find something else. Something different. Innovative.
It's vital to continue challenging yourself. Keep pushing boundaries. Never stop challenging your assumptions. It's important to open up your mind and see the possibilities.
You'll be able to spot opportunities and new ideas that you missed previously.
You might also find that the world has many amazing things no one has ever discovered.
What can you do to be more curious? Here are some tips on how to get started.
- Ask Questions
Don't assume that you know everything when you come across something new or intriguing. Ask questions.
Ask people who actually use the product every day to reveal more details about its operation. If you want to understand why something exists, ask why it was created in the first place.
Ask about the origins of something if you want to find out its history. What made it develop in the way that it does? Why was it so successful?
Asking questions allows for you to explore the topic more and can help you determine if this is something you are interested in.
- Do More Than Just Watch
Google employees have access to all sorts of information, which is one thing I love.
Access to millions of books, thousands upon thousands of magazines, as well as hundreds of newspapers, is available. We can view movies, listen and download music, read blogs, and visit other websites.
It's like having your own library. Instead of just reading books, watching videos, and listening to music, these resources are used to solve problems or invent products and create software.
My friends joke that I could write a book on any topic I wanted. However, the truth is I haven’t written a single word since high school. It’s because I’m too busy doing other stuff.
Instead of writing about things I know nothing about, I'd rather learn new things.
- Read Books, Listen to Podcasts, And Watch Videos
The best way to learn is by reading books. Reading helps us absorb new concepts. This makes it easier to remember them later.
For example, the first time I heard about the scientific process, I was able to recall it much better than if a person had explained it.
Podcasts are very similar. You will likely listen to the same podcast episodes over and again if they resonate with you.
Finally, watching videos reinforces what you've heard and seen elsewhere. Video can also be used to enhance your skills.
- Get Advice from the Experts
There are many experts on the internet in many different fields. So whether you want to learn about cooking, photography, business management, programming, or any other topic, there will be plenty of people willing to teach you.
Many of the most successful entrepreneurs were selftaught. They did not attend college but learned their skills online.
So start exploring! Make use of the internet to find out as much as you possibly can.
- Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
To grow as people, we must be challenged. It means going out of your comfort zone and trying new things. It might feel scary at first, but once you try it, you'll realize it wasn't nearly as bad as you thought.
- Get involved
You don't have to wait for everything to be perfect before you can do something. Instead, do what you can to get started. Do everything you can to get going.
- Take a look around
Do not assume that you already know all there is to know about a topic. Ask yourself, "What other things should I know?"
- Try New Things
No matter what you're interested in, you can always find opportunities to explore it further. If you are passionately interested in computers, why not create your own blog? Or maybe you're into fashion, then why not start a YouTube channel?
- Have fun
It's possible to miss out on great experiences by living a serious life. Stop taking yourself too seriously and enjoy life more.
- Do not compare yourself to others
Comparing yourself to others is not an option. Every person is unique and has their strengths and flaws.
Instead of comparing yourself to others in the world, work on yourself every day.
- Keep Learning
The world keeps changing, and so does technology. So even though you think you know everything about a certain topic, chances are, there's still tons you don't know.
Keep up with current trends and news to ensure you don't run out of ideas.
- Don't fret about what other people think.
It's easy, I know, to worry about what people think of me. Who wants to be a fool?
But here's the thing: worrying doesn't change anything. There is nothing wrong with being proud about who you are.
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