The Māori came and settled in New Zealand, a land which they called Aotearoa, in the mid-13th century, according to new archaeological research.
The research was led by Dr Magdalena Bunbury of James Cook University. The study used radiocarbon dating of 436 archaeological sites in the North Island and 145 sites in the South Islands, which have enabled researchers to firm up the date of New Zealand’s first settlement.
“For decades, the initial human settlement of New Zealand has been estimated to have occurred between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries,” said Dr Bunbury. “This study has narrowed that down and shown that early Māori settlement happened in the North Island between AD 1250 and AD 1275.”
Bunbury said the South Island was reached just a decade later between AD 1280-1295, when the hunting of the giant flightless moa bird commenced, and the human population rapidly grew. But when the bird was hunted to extinction and a period of unstable cooler weather known as the ‘Little Ice Age’ began, the South Island’s Māori population came under pressure.
“Population growth in the South Island appears to have levelled off around AD 1340 and declined between AD 1380 and 1420 with the onset of the Little Ice Age and the extinction of the moa. The population continued to grow in the north, where conditions for agriculture were optimal,” added Dr Bunbury.
The first European settlers did not arrive in New Zealand until the 1840s.
Dr Bunbury said the study shows for the first time a measurable difference in the initial human settlements of the north and south islands of New Zealand. “The results demonstrate connections between climate, resources, and population and will help us understand how human populations developed in other island nations.”
The article, “A new chronology for the Māori settlement of Aotearoa (NZ) and the potential role of climate change in demographic developments,” by Magdalena M.E. Bunbury, Fiona Petchey and Simon H. Bickler, appears in PNAS. Click here to access it.
Top Image: Courtesy James Cook University
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Frequently Asked Questions
Which are the greatest human achievements of the last 50 years?
The greatest achievement of mankind in the last fifty years is the ability to communicate at an unprecedented speed and accuracy across vast distances. This is without doubt, the most significant technological innovation in human history.
The internet is a collection of tubes that connect the world. These tubes are made up of fiber optic cables. Each cable transmits information at a maximum of 10 gigabits per sec - that's more than 1,000,000 times faster then the average home broadband connection.
This technology allows people to communicate across borders and share their knowledge and culture. This technology has made it possible to access any information immediately, instead of having to physically travel to another place.
Amazing advances in medicine and science have been made possible by our ability to share information. Scientists can now sequence genes in a fraction the time it took to do so twenty years ago.
Technological advances have enabled researchers to simulate complex biological processes in real-time. This means we are finally starting to unlock the secrets behind diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.
These innovations could save millions of people's lives.
This amazing technology has its downsides. Our day-to-day activities have increased in dependence on the internet in recent decades. This reliance has led to several problems, including cyberbullying, online scams, and identity theft.
The problem might be even worse. As more and more people become reliant on the internet, the risk of a global digital collapse increases dramatically.
Our dependence on the internet increases, and so does our vulnerability for its failures. If the internet goes down, even for a few minutes, businesses could lose billions in productivity. Our financial transactions, our health records and government communications will all be compromised.
We are already beginning to see signs of what might occur if the internet stops working. You can think back to Hurricane Sandy that knocked out power in many eastern United States homes and businesses. Within days hackers were exploiting the internet outage in order to steal credit-card numbers.
There are many devices that can be connected to the internet. Amazon can be connected to your fridge so you can order food online. Your car can check traffic conditions and book service appointments. Your lights can be turned off remotely. These things are possible due to the microprocessors that they each have inside. They can communicate with each other through the internet.
These microprocessors couldn't transmit data across networks after Hurricane Sandy. It meant that cars couldn't start and stop engines, fridges couldn’t order food, lights couldn’t be turned off, and refrigerators couldn’t order food. It caused chaos and confusion in an emergency.
This could be true in the event of a national crisis such as a natural or terrorist attack. Imagine how difficult and time-consuming it would be to respond in an emergency or to crimes. How could hospitals manage patient care without computers in the hospital? What about communication between citizens & government agencies?
Good news is, infrastructure exists to stop such an unfortunate event from happening. Existing infrastructure is in place to protect critical services like power plants and water treatment facilities from events similar to hurricanes. However, those systems aren't designed to withstand a total loss of electricity generated by a large-scale cyberattack.
If hackers took over a nuclear station, they could shut it down in just seconds. They could also infect the water supply and cause panic.
While infrastructure exists, the question is still: Can we ever build resilience into the system.
Two scientists from MIT published a 2005 paper titled "A Failure Model to Cloud Computing." It described a future without a single point for failure. Instead, every device has multiple points of failure. Consider your smartphone's battery dying, instead of your laptop. You will now need to replace both your phone AND computer.
For safety, we have been able in the past to rely on key components like telephone lines and electric grids. As more people embrace cloud-based computing, more of their lives are online. We're relying on technologies without much testing under real-world conditions. And now that we're doing that, we need to ensure that those technologies are resilient enough to handle disasters like hurricanes or massive cyberattacks.
It's this reason that I'm so excited about work done by National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST collaborates with industry experts to establish standards that help us build resilience to our technology. These standards will ensure everything is seamlessly integrated online. When the power goes out, our phones still work. Our refrigerators still order us dinner. Our traffic reports still tell us what roads are clear.
By making sure our devices can communicate, you'll be better prepared to face any event.
What is the greatest achievement in science?
We've come a long way since we figured out how to harness fire for heat. There are still areas to improve.
Scientists are the ones who can make science a reality. Science is often driven by curiosity.
Sometimes, however, it takes more than curiosity in order to find a way forward. Sometimes, you must have a goal. A vision. Something to aim for.
My belief is that the most important scientific discoveries have been made when people pursue an idea with fervor.
They would look for ways to turn their ideas into reality, even if those realities weren't entirely clear at the time.
That requires you to think big, take chances, make mistakes, and learn from them.
The most important lesson to take away is that failure does not matter. It doesn't matter if you succeed or fail. What matters is that your tried.
Best of all, find a way to persevere despite setbacks and rejection. As long as you keep trying, you'll eventually reach success.
So don't worry too much about the outcome. Do your best work and keep going.
What inventions did you think had a negative outcome?
Here are some examples of how inventions can harm society.
Gunpowder was developed during wars, and it eventually led to mass murders. It is estimated that 10,000,000 people died as a result of this invention.
Electricity, steam engine engines, cars, and other inventions have changed the course of our lives in profound ways. They made our lives simpler. They also pose problems such as noise, pollution, traffic jams, and accidents.
Millions of innocent people died because of the invention of guns. People started killing each other because they could use these weapons easily. This problem exists today.
Radioactive radiation began to spread through the environment when nuclear power plants were invented. Many scientists believe that this is the most dangerous time in human history.
There were many attempts at inventing something that would forever change our lives. Some of these inventions were successful. Others failed.
Which invention is the worst?
The most useful inventions can make our lives easier. However, some inventions can be dangerous.
The internal combustion engine is one example of such an invention. This invention was a key to the industrial revolution, and has made our lives much easier. But, fossil fuels can also produce carbon dioxide which can contribute to global warming.
Laser is another invention. This device can destroy objects from miles away. However, this device can also cause blindness and burns as well as death.
Another example is that of the atomic Bomb. The explosion created by this weapon could wipe out an entire city.
Because inventions make our lives easier, they are fantastic. But, they can also cause us harm. These dangerous inventions include nuclear weapons and lasers, as well as internal combustion engines and atomic bombs.
What is the most remarkable achievement in medicine?
Modern medicine was revolutionized when penicillin was discovered. Alexander Fleming didn't know how crucial his discovery of penicillin would be. His discovery was the catalyst for antibiotics being developed, saving millions of lives.
This breakthrough changed everything. So much so that today we live longer, healthier lives.
Fleming was more than just an antibiotic researcher. He also discovered a method for growing large amounts of bacteria. This allowed scientists to study the bacteria for the first-time.
Fleming's discovery provided us with insights into our bodies, and helped us to understand diseases in ways we could not have imagined. For example, it allowed doctors to identify the cause of tuberculosis.
The discovery of penicillin led to major changes in public healthcare policy. People with meningitis and pneumonia used to be treated with toxic medication.
Penicillin was discovered to cure patients without causing death.
Since its inception, penicillin has been used to treat bacterial infection. Penicillin is today considered to be the greatest medical advance of all time.
Fleming’s breakthrough is noteworthy for two reasons. First, Fleming worked alone and was isolated from the rest.
Second, he published the results in Nature journal.
Because he knew what he had found, he was able to publish his findings. He was a pioneer.
He didn't know where his research would lead, but he followed his instincts. It paid off. It paid off.
Alexander Fleming passed away in 1955 at the age of 65. He spent his entire life working at St Mary's Hospital London.
After his retirement, he returned home to Scotland. He was there until his death.
What are some of the greatest human achievements?
Humans invented technologies like the printing press and television. These inventions have often been credited for greatly improving our lives. We might also be curious about the impact of these inventions on our lives.
The Internet has made almost everything possible. Access to information, entertainment, news and dating is now possible. This list could continue on for a long time.
Many inventions have a positive impact on our everyday lives. For example, airplanes and automobiles made travel much more enjoyable and faster. Also, innovations such as electricity, air conditioning, refrigerators, microwaves, and digital cameras make our modern world run smoothly.
Technology continues to transform our lives. The inventions of smartphones, tablets, laptops smart watches, self -driving car, self -driving automobiles, virtual reality artificial intelligence (AI), augment reality, drones and other devices are making life easier.
Technology is constantly changing. It is difficult to keep up with the latest technology developments. It's vital to keep up with the latest technological developments.
To help you do that, here are 10 amazing inventions that changed our lives.
- Printing Press
- Radio
- Television
- Computers
- Mobile phones
- Airplanes
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- Laptop
- Digital Camera
The majority of people nowadays enjoy living in high-tech communities. Many would argue that this was impossible centuries ago. But, books became easily accessible thanks to the invention of printing presses. Books used to be reserved for priests and monks. Nowadays, anyone can read.
Books are an integral part of our daily lives. They are essential for learning, studying, and even learning new things every day. Did you know that reading requires some parts of your anatomy? Books can be interacted with by the ears, eyes as well as nose, mouth, nose, fingers, toes, and nose.
Books are useful for learning, but do you know where else they are used? They are used for hobbies, work, and even exercise. If you want to learn to draw, you'll need to sketch from books. Or, if your goal is to be a writer, then you'll need to write stories.
The next time that you pick up a new book, consider all of the possible uses. You'll be amazed at how many uses there are.
- Nonetheless, humans retain a degree of sexual dimorphism in the distribution of body hair, subcutaneous fat, and overall size, with males being around 15% larger than females. (en.wikipedia.org)
- Retrieved April 26, 2015. Sequence differences from the human genome were confirmed to be ∼1% in areas that can be precisely aligned, representing ∼35 million single base-pair differences. (en.wikipedia.org)
- H. antecessoris knew from fossils from Spain and England that are dated 1.2 Ma–500ka.[205][206]refers to a single skull cap from Italy, estimated to be about 800,000 years old. (en.wikipedia.org)
- Also proposed as Homo sapiens heidelbergensis or Homo sapiens paleohungaricus.[208]H. rhodesiensis, and the Gawis cranium[edit]H. rhodesiensis, estimated to be 300,000–125,000 years old. (en.wikipedia.org)
- The linear view of human evolution began to be abandoned in the 1970s as different species of humans were discovered, which made the linear concept increasingly unlikely. (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- Grappling with the Cost of Saving Earth's Ozon (Published 1990).
- For Evolving Brains, a Paleo Diet of Carbs – The New York Times
How To
What are five examples of innovation?
Innovation is the ability of creating something new that makes someone's life better.
Innovation requires curiosity. It means asking questions. Not any old questions, but ones that make your uncomfortable.
To see beyond the obvious, you must be willing to go out of your comfort zones and ask those questions. To ask questions that no one else has asked.
It takes an open mind to see that there may be another way.
This isn’t an easy task. It can be hard to admit you don't know how to do things when you've been told we are right all of our lives.
But when we do, we open ourselves up to the possibility of finding something new. Something different. Innovative.
It is vital to constantly challenge yourself. Keep pushing boundaries. Never stop challenging your assumptions. When you start to see possibilities in your life, you'll be able to see them everywhere.
You'll be able to spot opportunities and new ideas that you missed previously.
You may be surprised at the amazing things in this world that no one has yet discovered.
What can you do to be more curious? Here are some tips to help you get going.
- Ask Questions
If you're interested in something new, don’t assume that you already know all the details. Ask questions.
Ask those who use it every single day to find out more about the workings of something. If you want to understand why something exists, ask why it was created in the first place.
Ask about the origins of something if you want to find out its history. How did it become what it is today? What made its creators think it would work?
Asking questions will help you learn more about the subject and let you decide if you are interested.
- You don't have to just watch
Google gives everyone access to every kind of information. This is what I love about my job.
We have thousands of magazines and millions of books. There are hundreds of newspapers. You can view movies, listen to music and read blogs.
It's like having an entire library within your head. This is not the same as reading books or listening music. You use these resources instead to solve problems, create products, and build software.
I often joke with my friends that I could probably write a book about anything I wanted to. The truth is that I haven’t written anything since high school. I’m too busy doing other things.
Instead of writing about things that I don't know, I prefer to learn new things.
- Watch videos, listen to podcasts, or read books
Reading books is one of the best ways to expand your knowledge base. Reading is a great way to learn new concepts. It also makes it easier to remember them later.
When I first learned about the scientific method, I realized that I retained it better than if someone had just explained it to me.
Podcasts are similar. If you find an episode that resonates with you, you'll likely hear about it repeatedly.
Finally, videos can reinforce what you have heard or seen elsewhere. Video can also be used to enhance your skills.
- Learn from the experts
The internet is filled with experts in all sorts of fields. You will find plenty of experts willing to help you, whether you are interested in programming, business, photography, or other topics.
Many of the most successful entrepreneurs were self-taught. They did not go to college, but rather learned new skills online by researching their interests.
So start exploring! Use the internet to learn as much as possible.
- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
To grow as people, we must be challenged. This means trying new things and stepping out of our comfort zone. It might feel scary at first, but once you try it, you'll realize it wasn't nearly as bad as you thought.
- Get involved
When you want to do something, don't wait until you have everything figured out. Instead, act now. Get started by doing everything you can.
- Be Curious
Don't assume you already know everything about a topic. Ask yourself, "What should I learn?"
- Try new things
No matter what you're interested in, you can always find opportunities to explore it further. If computers are your passion, why not start a blog? Or perhaps you're passionate about fashion. Then why not start a YouTube Channel?
- Have Fun
You may lose out on fun experiences if you live your life too serious. Don't take yourself too seriously. Enjoy life and have fun!
- Do not compare yourself to others
It's not a good idea to compare yourself with others. Every person is unique and has their strengths and flaws.
Instead of comparing yourself with others, try to improve yourself each day.
- Keep Learning
Technology is constantly changing and the world changes. You might think you know all there is to know about a subject, but the truth is that you probably don't.
This is why it's important to keep up to date with current trends and events. It will help you stay on top of new ideas.
- Do not worry about what other people think of you
It's easy to worry about what other people think of us. Who wants to be a fool?
But, worry doesn't change things. It's okay to be proud of who and what you are.