2.000 Crashed Planes: The World’s Deadliest Aviation Spot | Aircrash Confidential Ep 5

Over 2.000 planes have crashed in the triangle between Las Vegas, Reno and Fresno. One Hundred times more than the Bermuda Triangle.

In 2007 Steve Fossett, world renowned pilot and multi-millionaire, takes off for a Sunday morning flight. But he disappears without a trace. The largest ever search and rescue mission in peacetime US history is launched. It fails to find Fossett’s plane, but it uncover a chilling mystery. A year after the search is called off the missing plane is found by a hiker, crashed high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. As investigators analyse Steve Fossett’s aircrash they build a picture of an invisible deadly killer that forced his plane out of the sky. And looking through back the case files it’s not the first time such aircrash happened. Could this deadly phenomenon be the culprit behind the Nevada Triangle?

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Further videos on hazards and catastrophes :
┕Arctic War: No fish in the sea | ICE RACE | Full Episode 2
┕Arctic War: Fight for oil and gas | ICE RACE | Full Episode 1
┕ Sodom and Gomorrah: The capital of evil | Secrets of the Bible | Full Episode 10 ▸https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glgfCq0akDk
┕ Staff of Moses: The mass destruction tool | Secrets of the Bible | Full Episode 11 ▸https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7HbMtfZcdU
Interesting links and sources:
0:00 The biggest search and rescue mission
13:41 The Gambler’s Special in Nevada
29:48 A sole aircrash survivor

Frequently Asked Questions

What are three things you can learn from history?

History is full of examples of how we can learn from our mistakes. They can be applied to today's business challenges.

We have learned from the past that there are always other ways to do things. There is always someone out there who thinks outside the box and takes risks that make them stand apart.

History shows that the underdogs are often the ones who win. Look back at the times when an underdog won.

Look back on the past and learn from it. Learn from others' failures and successes.

These lessons can help you improve the success rate.

How can you easily learn from the mistakes and victories of human history?

It doesn't matter if history repeats itself. Learning from the mistakes of human past history doesn't require much time. Be sure to not repeat the mistakes!

It is important to learn from the past and to apply these lessons to your business.

This can be achieved by reading books on leadership, management strategies, and case studies of successful companies who have been around for decades.

You can learn from their successes and avoid the pitfalls they fell into.

You can also study examples of businesses that have gone bankrupt. Why did they fail? Is there a common theme among these failures. These insights will allow you to avoid costly errors.

Finally, learn about the lives of historical figures like Abraham Lincoln (John D. Rockefeller), Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs), and Elon Musk. Although they had the most impressive resumes, none of them knew how to manage people or run companies. If you want to learn from the mistakes they made, it is important to understand why.

The bottom line is that you can learn from the failures and victories of human experience. Simply spend a few seconds each day reflecting on the successes and failures of the past to find ways to use them today.

What can we learn from the past?

We have three lessons from history. First, you must do it yourself when you change the world. You must make sure people are ready to change the way they live. Third, you can't change the past without changing the future.

The first lesson we can learn is that there are only two ways to transform the world. One is to fight for it; the other is to create it. Fighting for it is about winning, not remembering why you started fighting.

You cannot control what people think, but you can make sure they like the way you present them. If you attempt to convince someone of something, you'll fail. But if you set out to inspire someone to action, you'll succeed.

Great movements were born out of an idea that was realized and then taken action. Whether you are creating change or responding to it, these are the three best ways to make your mark. Be clear about what is important to you, be open about where you came from, and dare to go where no one else has.

Second, we have the ability to choose. We can either allow our lives to unfold, or choose to create them. This means we need to choose what kind of life you want. Is it better to decide what kind of life we want or wait for someone else? Do we want to control our destiny?

I believe that we are living in the golden age. We have more opportunities than ever before which is creating excitement. People feel empowered, which is exciting.

It also presents a problem. Because not everyone knows exactly what they want or even how to get it, it's important to figure out what you want and find a way to get it.

For example, let's say you want to buy a house. You could either sit back and expect someone to gift you a Home Depot gift certificate. Or, you can ask yourself, "What do I love to be doing?" Find a job that will allow you to do it. Finally, apply for financing.

Now, suppose you were to travel the world. The question you might be asking yourself is "Where do I want go?" The next step is to start saving money, research countries online, talk with friends, etc. And finally, you'd book a flight.

Let's suppose you don't know what you want. In that case, you'd probably end up doing one of those things anyway. By asking yourself such questions, you increase the likelihood of getting what your heart desires. It may seem silly, but it works.

The third lesson is to never lose sight of the possibility of improving the future. It is easy to see why. Our choices shape who we are and who we become.

You can learn from the mistakes and successes of others and continue to improve until you achieve your goals.

If you don’t feel you have any value to the world, you are already behind. You have to believe in yourself.

You don't need to know everything in order to start. Start small and move on. Look back at the things you've done throughout your lifetime. Which areas have you struggled with? Which areas have you excelled? How did you overcome obstacles?

Don't forget to remember that only you can limit your potential. No matter what anyone may say, you can do whatever you want.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "Nothing will work unless you do."

What Can We Learn From Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln said, “I am slow to understand; very fast to forget.”

He was aware of the importance to continue learning, knowing that there would be a time when he would have to relearn his old habits and adopt new ones.

The same applies to our businesses. No matter how hard we plan for success there will be times where we run into roadblocks that cause us to get stuck in a rut.

This is why it is so important to constantly learn new ways to grow. If we do nothing else, we must continue to learn, even after we reach the pinnacle of success.

Lincoln was the right person. He understood that his business could be more successful, but he couldn’t afford to stop learning.

There are two types entrepreneurs. Those who stay busy and those who stay smart.

Those who keep busy are focused on their business' growth. They focus on customer service and marketing strategies.

While they may feel they have accomplished something worthwhile, many times they don't. Entrepreneurs who aren't focused on learning more won't see sustainable growth.

What makes successful entrepreneurs different from average entrepreneurs? Ability to quickly adapt to changing situations.

When faced with challenges, successful entrepreneurs always look for ways to improve their existing products or services.

The average businessperson, however, will continue to use outdated methods that don't work. They will not change their ways until they fail.

You must be able to master both self-reflection and adaptation in order to succeed.


  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (knownepal.net)
  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (knownepal.net)
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (lifehacker.com)
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (lifehacker.com)
  • According to the Washington Post, Coming back to babies' mailing, the most extended trip taken by a “mailed” child happened to be in 1915. (medium.com)

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How To

Discovery of Penicillin: Successful Inventions Made by Accident

How did penicillin become a reality?

Alexander Fleming, who had some bacteria cultures left behind, noticed that penicillin was growing on them. He believed that mold might kill the bacteria and therefore he attempted to find a solution.

He discovered penicillin kills mold and realized that the new drug could also fight bacteria-related infections. Penicillin's discovery was one of most important medical breakthroughs. It saved millions lives and changed forever the course of medicine.

Alexander Fleming did not know at first that his discovery would prove so significant. And neither did anyone else. Penicillin was a powerful antibiotic that no one had ever imagined.

Researchers discovered that penicillin is effective against bacterial infections only after World War II. In 1945, the U.S. Army asked Dr. Fleming if he could use penicillin to treat soldiers suffering from wounds infected with deadly germs. Dr. Fleming agreed.

Penicillin proved to be effective against many kinds of infections. It was a lifesaver to wounded soldiers during World War II. It saved many lives and helped doctors continue their work after the war.

Dr. Fleming did not expect that his discovery would have such a profound impact. He wanted to make sure mold wouldn't grow on bacteria cultures that he had previously studied. He could not imagine that this simple experiment would lead him to such a miraculous medical breakthrough.

Many discoveries made every day aren't really remarkable. These are just experiments that were made for no specific reason.

If you look back at history, you will see that even seemingly insignificant experiments can make a huge difference.

The most important discoveries are those that seem to have absolutely nothing in common. Penicillin was one example. Or photography. Or electricity. Or even computers.

The invention doesn't happen because someone thinks of a brilliant idea. It happens because someone has a problem. And then they find a solution through experimentation.

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