Clues from Ruins to the Round Table - Forbidden History - S03 EP2 - History Documentary

Explore King Arthur's realm, from his supposed burial site at a ruined Abbey to the enigmatic Camelot. Evidence from the Battle of Baden and excavations suggest a historic figure's presence. While definitive proof is elusive, Arthur's tale captivates, stirring intrigue across generations.


Explore the untold secrets and hidden truths of our past in the gripping documentary series Forbidden History. Hosted by the enigmatic Jamie Theakston, this captivating show delves into controversial theories, ancient enigmas, and suppressed historical events. Uncover the mysteries behind ancient artifacts, delve into forgotten civilizations, and challenge conventional narratives. Through in-depth investigations and expert interviews, Forbidden History sheds light on intriguing topics such as conspiracy theories, lost treasures, paranormal phenomena, and hidden codes. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through time as you question established beliefs, uncover long-held secrets, and unlock the forbidden chapters of our shared history. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking exploration of forbidden knowledge, as we unravel the enigmatic tapestry of human civilization. Join us as we delve into the depths of the past, seeking answers and unveiling the fascinating mysteries that have shaped our world. Are you ready to challenge the established historical accounts and discover the forbidden truths that lie beneath the surface?


Welcome to Banijay History, the ultimate destination for history buffs and enthusiasts! Our YouTube channel features an extensive collection of history documentaries, historical TV series, and full-length history documentary series that cover everything from ancient history to military history and beyond.

Our channel provides a captivating insight into the past, exploring fascinating historical events and stories from around the world. Whether you're interested in world war documentaries, the history of the world, or true historical documentary series, we have something for everyone. Our history channel features a range of documentaries, including military documentary history channel series that take you on a journey through some of the most significant conflicts in history. We also have a wide selection of full-length history documentaries that offer a deep dive into some of the most interesting historical events.

If you're a fan of the history TV genre, Banijay History is the perfect channel for you. We offer the best historical TV shows and documentaries, providing a comprehensive overview of the history of the world. So, if you're looking for an interesting and informative history channel documentary, look no further than Banijay History.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some lessons learned from history?

These are the three most important lessons that history has taught us. First, to truly change the world, one must take responsibility for it. The second is to ensure that people are ready to accept change in their lives. Third, when you change the future, you have to make it better.

The first lesson is to recognize that there are two options for changing the world. One is to fight for it; the other is to create it. When you fight for it, you focus on winning and lose sight of why you started fighting in the first place.

While you cannot control their reactions to your ideas or how they present them, you can influence how they are presented. If you attempt to convince someone of something, you'll fail. However, if you are determined to motivate someone to take action, you will succeed.

People had an idea, and they decided to take action. This is how most great movements started. No matter whether you are creating change, or reacting to it. Here are three ways you can make your mark: Be clear about the things you want, be honest with where you came from, be courageous enough to go where no other person has gone before, and be clear about who you are.

The second lesson is the fact that we all have the power to make our lives better. We can either wait for our lives to happen to us, or we can choose to make them happen. This means that it is up to us to decide how we want our lives to be. Do we expect someone else to let us live? Or, do we want control of our destiny and take control?

I believe we are living in a golden era. There's more opportunity than ever before, creating a lot of excitement. People feel empowered, which is exciting.

However, it can also be a problem. It's hard to know what you want.

Let's take, for example, the desire to purchase a house. You could either sit back and expect someone to gift you a Home Depot gift certificate. You can also ask yourself: "What would my dream job be?" You can then search for a job where you can do it. Final step: Apply for financing.

Let's pretend you want to travel all over the globe. Now, you might wonder "Where would I like to go?" You might then start saving money and researching other countries online. You'd then book a ticket.

Now, let's say you didn't know what you wanted. You'd likely end up doing one of these things anyway. You can increase your chances to get what you want by asking these questions. It might seem ridiculous, but it's true.

The third lesson is that you can always improve your future no matter what happens. It's easy. Our choices shape who we are and who we become.

So the trick is to use history as a guide, to learn from others' mistakes and successes, and keep improving until you succeed.

If you don’t believe you can offer anything, you’re already behind. You must believe in yourself and that you are more than you believed.

You can start by learning what you already know. Start small and move on. Think about what you've learned throughout your life. What have you failed to do? What are you proud of? How did you overcome your obstacles?

Remember that you are the only one who can limit your potential. No matter how much anyone tells, you can achieve anything you set your mind.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing will be successful unless you do."

What can we learn from Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln stated, "I am slow learner; I am quick to forget."

He understood the importance of learning and knew that he would eventually need to let go of old habits in order to embrace new ones.

This is true for our businesses as well. We will hit roadblocks sometimes, and get stuck in unproductive ruts no matter how many times we plan for our success.

That's why it's crucial to seek new ways to grow and evolve constantly. Even after we achieve success, it is essential to continue learning.

Lincoln had the right attitude. He knew that he could improve his business' effectiveness, but he couldn’t stop learning.

There are two types entrepreneur. Those who stay busy and those who stay smart.

People who are always busy work solely to grow their businesses. They will be involved in product development, marketing strategies, customer service, or any other daily tasks.

Although they may feel they have achieved something significant, they often miss the mark. If these entrepreneurs don't focus on being smarter, they will not be able achieve sustainable growth.

What separates successful entrepreneurs from average ones? You are able to adapt quickly to changing conditions.

Entrepreneurs are successful because they look for ways of improving their products and services in the face of challenges.

Average entrepreneurs, on the other hand, stick to old methods that don't work anymore. They won't change until their business is destroyed.

It is essential to learn both the art of adapting and self-reflection in order for success.

Who was the first to say that those who don’t learn from history are ignorant?

We all wish to live in a world where everyone learns from the past, but there are more valuable things than learning from our mistakes.

There's no better way to learn to do something right than to experience it wrong.

The biggest mistake you can make is not ensuring that it goes right the first and only time.

Changes are inevitable, and you will eventually realize why you made them.

You might even discover that you could have done it better the first time.

However, that doesn't mean you should not try again. This means that you have learned a lot.

You may not be able to avoid making mistakes, but you can certainly minimize them. And that's the difference between success and failure.

Recognizing your mistakes starts at the beginning. Then look at them objectively and ask yourself: "What did I learn?"

You'll find that mistakes can be viewed as lessons if you are honest with yourself. They're learning experiences that can help you grow.

Thomas Edison was the victim of this fate. He failed many other times before he inventing the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, each failure was an opportunity to improve his design.

He developed the most well-known form of lighting we have today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your errors. You should learn from your mistakes.

And then, you can try again.

What are the three most important lessons from history?

There are plenty of examples from history that show how we can learn lessons from our mistakes. They can be applied to today's business challenges.

We have learned from the past that there are always other ways to do things. There is always someone out there who thinks outside the box and takes risks that make them stand apart.

History shows that the underdogs are often the ones who win. If you ever feel lost, overwhelmed or stuck, remember the times when the underdog prevailed.

Take a look back at the past to learn from it and make improvements for the future. Learn from others' successes and failures.

These lessons can help increase your success rates.


  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (
  • According to the Washington Post, Coming back to babies' mailing, the most extended trip taken by a “mailed” child happened to be in 1915. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (
  • According to Smithsonian, mailing young James Beagle through postage cost only 15 cents, although his parents paid him $50. (

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The Suez Canal Changed the World

Ferdinand de Lesseps designed the Suez Canal to connect Europe to Asia in 1869. To do so, he needed to build a canal across the Isthmus of Suez (the narrowest point), allowing ships from Europe to reach India and China. This process required building a series of locks and dams along the way. He traveled to Egypt several times and negotiated financing with Khedive Ismail Pasha. But, upon his return to France, it was discovered that Napoleon III has been overthrown and the Second Empire has taken over, with no interest in such a large-scale project. He was there for three years before the French government offered to finance the project. After the British had been defeated at the Battle Of Omdurman during Sudan War, 1859 saw them sign a treaty which allowed them to enter the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. It was completed in 1869.

This project opened up trade routes, increased international commerce, and led to the development and integration of many countries around world, including Canada and Australia.

In addition, the Suez Canal allowed people to travel much faster than before. Before the construction of the Suez Canal, it took weeks to cross Isthmian Peninsula. It now takes days. People could now visit Paris, London, Rome and Constantinople without needing to travel long distances by sea and brave storms. Additionally, the Suez Canal reduced the distance between North America & Europe by nearly 3,000 miles, making it more convenient for people to travel back and forward. These advantages made the Suez Canal one of the most important transport projects ever.

Unfortunately, the Suez Canal created problems for the Ottoman Empire by dividing it into two parts. This eventually led to the First World War. During the war, the British used the Suez Canal to attack Germany, but the Germans attacked Britain using their version of the canal. The Suez Canal was re-established under Egyptian control. However, the British held the land on either end.

After the Second World War the Suez Canal remained a vital part of global commerce until the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. Both sides initially resisted the temptation to attack each other in fear of being forced to use force. Israel took over the Sinai peninsula of Egypt from Egypt in 1967. In that year, all shipping except military vessels was prohibited from the Suez Canal. The four-year-old closure ended when President Sadat reopened Suez Canal to civilian traffic in 1972.