Exploring The Diary Detailing A Crazed Mans Obssession With Bjork | Our History

16th September 1996, Broward County, Florida. Hollywood Police Department find the body of 21-year-old Ricardo Lopez. He has taken his own life with a gun. His Diary reveals his love for and obsession with the famous Icelandic singer Bjork.

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This is the story of Bjorks stalker... how he prepared to maim or kill the star and how his psychotic behaviour ended in tragedy. Celebrity Obsessed Bjork is a disturbing and gripping documentary which tells the story of how the Icelandic singer became the obsession of a crazed fan. The episode contains detailed analysis and overview of Bjork's life by TV host and journalist Raina Seitel as well as the entertainment commentator Andy Jones. Entertainment journalists Tatsha Robertson and Brian Blathazar tell about the circumstances surrounding Bjork's stalker case and the program also includes criminal and psychiatric evaluation from Dr Louis Schlesinger, forensic psychologist and the Criminal Behaviour analyst, Laura Richards

This film was first broadcast: 2018

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Start your journey of discovery with Our History, as we bring you eye-opening documentaries and educational programmes about our world history. We will guide you through awe-inspiring events from our past and help you get a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events that have shaped the world we live in today.

Content distributed by ITV Studios.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some lessons learned from history?

These are the three most important lessons that history has taught us. The first is that you have to do it yourself if you want to change the world. Second, when you change how people live, you must ensure they're ready for it. Third, you can't change the past without changing the future.

The first lesson we can learn is that there are only two ways to transform the world. One is fighting for it, the other is creating it. It is easy to lose sight of why you started a fight in the first place when you are focusing on winning.

You cannot control what people think, but you can make sure they like the way you present them. If you want to persuade someone, you'll eventually fail. However, if you are determined to motivate someone to take action, you will succeed.

Great movements were born out of an idea that was realized and then taken action. It doesn't matter if you're trying to create change or react to it. These are the rules that will help you make an impact.

The second lesson is the fact that we all have the power to make our lives better. You can either let your life happen or you can choose to make it happen. This means that it is up to us to decide how we want our lives to be. Is it better to decide what kind of life we want or wait for someone else? Or do you want to be in control of your destiny?

I believe we are living in a golden era. There is more opportunity than ever, which makes it exciting. It's exciting that people feel empowered and able to create their futures.

However, it can also be a problem. It's difficult for people to know exactly what they want or how to achieve it.

Let's take, for example, the desire to purchase a house. You could sit back and hope someone gives you a gift certificate to Home Depot. You could also think about what you would love to do. Find a job that will allow you to do it. Next, apply for financing.

Now, suppose you were to travel the world. You might ask yourself, "Where do I want to go?" You'd then begin saving money, researching different countries online and speaking with friends. The final step is to book a flight.

Let's suppose you don't know what you want. You would most likely do one of these things. By asking yourself such questions, you increase the likelihood of getting what your heart desires. It might seem ridiculous, but it's true.

The third lesson is the ability to always improve the future, regardless of what happens next. It's easy. Our choices affect who and what we become.

You can learn from the mistakes and successes of others and continue to improve until you achieve your goals.

If you don’t believe you can offer anything, you’re already behind. You have to believe in yourself.

You can start by learning what you already know. Start small and build from there. Consider what you have learned over the course of your life. What are you most proud of? What are you proud of? What were your greatest achievements?

Remember that you are the only one who can limit your potential. No matter what anyone may say, you can do whatever you want.

Benjamin Franklin stated, "Nothing can work unless it works."

Who was the first to say that those who don’t learn from history are ignorant?

We all wish to live in a world where everyone learns from the past, but there are more valuable things than learning from our mistakes.

It's not better to try something wrong than to learn how to do it right.

It is a mistake to not do it correctly the first time.

As long as you keep making improvements, you'll eventually understand why you made those changes.

It is possible to discover that you could have done things better the first time around.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try again. That means you've learnt a lot.

It may not always be possible to avoid making errors, but it is possible minimize them. That's what makes the difference between success or failure.

Acknowledging your mistakes begins the process. Next, look at your mistakes objectively and ask yourself "What have I learned?"

Your mistakes will only be lessons if your honesty is honest. They're learning experiences that can help you grow.

Thomas Edison went through exactly the same thing. He failed many more times before he invented the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, each failure was an opportunity to improve his design.

Over time, he created the most popular type of lighting available today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your mistakes. You should learn from your mistakes.

Then try again.

How to Learn Easily from Human History's Victories and Failures?

You don't have to wait for history to repeat itself. It doesn't take very long to learn from the failures of human history. Just make sure you are not repeating them yourself!

Recognize the lessons from the past to help you build your business.

This can be accomplished by reading books and case studies about successful companies over the years.

You will be able to learn from their success stories and avoid the same mistakes they made.

You can also look at examples of businesses which have been bankrupt. They failed because of this. What are the common threads among these failures. These insights can help prevent costly mistakes.

Finally, learn about the lives of historical figures like Abraham Lincoln (John D. Rockefeller), Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs), and Elon Musk. Although they had some of most impressive resumes anywhere, none knew how manage people or run businesses. Learn from their mistakes to help you make better decisions.

It is possible to learn from both the successes and failures of human history. Simply spend a few seconds each day reflecting on the successes and failures of the past to find ways to use them today.

What can we learn about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln stated, "I am slow learner; I am quick to forget."

He was aware of the importance to continue learning, knowing that there would be a time when he would have to relearn his old habits and adopt new ones.

The same is true of our businesses. We will hit roadblocks sometimes, and get stuck in unproductive ruts no matter how many times we plan for our success.

It is crucial to continue to learn and grow. If we do nothing else, we must continue to learn, even after we reach the pinnacle of success.

Lincoln had the right attitude. Lincoln understood that he could be more efficient in his business but that he couldn't quit learning.

There are two types of entrepreneurs. Those who stay busy and those who stay smart.

Those who are busy concentrate on growing their businesses. They spend their time on product development and marketing, as well as customer service.

While they might feel that they have made a significant contribution, often they are not. Entrepreneurs who aren't focused on learning more won't see sustainable growth.

What makes successful entrepreneurs different from average entrepreneurs? The ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

Successionable entrepreneurs look for ways that they can improve their products or services when faced with difficult situations.

Average entrepreneurs, on the other hand, stick to old methods that don't work anymore. They refuse to change course until their business fails.

To be successful, you have to master both the art and skill of self-reflection.


  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (lifehacker.com)
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (collabfund.com)
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (lifehacker.com)
  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (knownepal.net)
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (lifehacker.com)

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How To

Discovery of Penicillin: Successful Inventions Made by Accident

How did penicillin come into existence?

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin accidentally after noticing mold growth on bacteria cultures he left out. He was concerned that the mold might kill bacteria and so he sought out a way to destroy it.

He found that penicillin killed the mold, and then he realized that this new substance could also help fight infections caused by bacteria. Penicillin's discovery was one of most important medical breakthroughs. It saved millions and changed medicine forever.

Alexander Fleming had no idea at first what his discovery would mean. No one else knew the same. Penicillin was a powerful antibiotic that no one had ever imagined.

Scientists discovered penicillin could be used to treat bacterial infections, but this was not until after World War II. In 1945, the U.S. Army asked Dr. Fleming if he could use penicillin to treat soldiers suffering from wounds infected with deadly germs. Dr. Fleming was willing to give it a try.

Penicillin was found to be effective against many different types of infection. It became a lifesaver for wounded soldiers during World War II. It was also used to save the lives of many doctors in post-war Germany.

Dr. Fleming had no idea that his discovery would have such an impact. He simply wanted to make sure that mold doesn't grow in the bacteria cultures he studied. But he couldn’t imagine how this simple experiment could lead to a remarkable medical breakthrough.

Many discoveries made every day aren't really remarkable. They're just experiments done for no particular reason.

When you look back over history, you see that sometimes those seemingly unimportant experiments can change everything.

It is often the most important discovery that seems to have no commonality. Penicillin was discovered. Or photography. Or electricity. Or even computers.

It is not because someone has a brilliant idea. It occurs because someone has a problem. They then solve the problem by experimentation.

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