Hidden WWI Treasures - War Junk - S01 EP02 - History Documentary

Join us in this exciting episode of War Junk as we delve into the depths of a forgotten German tunnel from World War I. Uncover the secrets buried underground and discover rare artifacts, including bullets, grenades, and even a mysterious pistol. Learn the history of this tunnel and the brave soldiers who once occupied it. Find out how these remarkable findings shed light on the past and reveal untold stories from the battlefield.


War Junk reveals the untold stories of historic battlefields through the lens of discarded relics and remnants. Guided by the expertise of Professor David O’Keefe and Wayne Abbott, who've spent 15 years investigating these sites, each episode unravels a unique mystery. Alongside a diverse team of archaeologists, historians, and weapon experts, they shed light on monumental events that shaped history, including Juno Beach, Vimy Ridge, the Battle of Monte Cassino, and the Liberation of Holland.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are three lessons you can learn about history?

History is filled with examples of how mistakes can be learned from. These lessons can be applied to the challenges of business today and turned into opportunities for growth.

The past teaches us there is always another way. There are always people out there who think outside the box and take risks that make them stand out.

History has shown us that often it is the underdogs that succeed. When you feel overwhelmed, stuck or lost, think back to the times when they won.

Look to the past and find ways to bring the lessons forward into the future. Learn from the successes and failures of others.

Use these lessons to help you improve your success rate.

How To Easily Learn From The Victories and Mistakes of Human History?

It doesn't take long for history to make a comeback. Learning from the mistakes of human past history doesn't require much time. It's important to learn from the mistakes of human history and not repeat them.

The key is to take what worked in the past and learn from it.

This can be accomplished by reading books and case studies about successful companies over the years.

This way, you'll be able to draw inspiration from their successes and avoid common pitfalls they fell into.

You can also look at examples of businesses which have been bankrupt. What made them fail? Are there any common themes among these failures? These insights will help you avoid costly mistakes.

Finally, read about notable historical figures like Abraham Lincoln and John D. Rockefeller. They had the most impressive resumes but none knew how managing people or running a company. You can learn from their mistakes if you want.

It's easy to learn from the mistakes and successes of human history. All you need to do is spend a few minutes every day thinking about what has worked well in the past and finding ways to implement them today.

What can we learn from the past?

History has taught us three important lessons. First, you must do it yourself when you change the world. Second, it is essential to prepare people for change if you want to transform their lives. Third, when you change the future, you have to make it better.

First, there are two ways to make the world better. One is fighting for it, the other is creating it. It is easy to lose sight of why you started a fight in the first place when you are focusing on winning.

Although you cannot control the reactions of people to your ideas, you can control how they are presented. If you attempt to convince someone of something, you'll fail. If you try to convince someone to do something, you will fail.

Great movements were born out of an idea that was realized and then taken action. It doesn't matter if you're trying to create change or react to it. These are the rules that will help you make an impact.

The second lesson we learn is that everyone has the option to choose. You can either let your life happen or you can choose to make it happen. This means that we have to decide what kind life we want. Are we content to wait for someone else's approval to let us live? Or, do we want control of our destiny and take control?

I believe we are living in a golden era. There are more possibilities than ever before, which has created a lot of excitement. People feel empowered, which is exciting.

It also presents a problem. It's difficult for people to know exactly what they want or how to achieve it.

Let's say, for instance, that you are looking to buy a home. You could either sit back and expect someone to gift you a Home Depot gift certificate. You could also ask yourself "What would you love to do?" You can then search for a job where you can do it. Then, you can apply for financing.

Now, let's say you wanted to travel the world. It's possible to ask, "Where do you want to travel?" Then, you'd start saving money, researching countries online, talking to friends, etc. Then, you book a trip.

Let's suppose you don't know what you want. You'd likely end up doing one of these things anyway. By asking yourself such questions, you increase the likelihood of getting what your heart desires. It might seem ridiculous, but it's true.

The third lesson is the ability to always improve the future, regardless of what happens next. It is easy to see why. Our choices shape who we are and who we become.

Use history to your advantage, to learn from other people's failures and successes and to keep improving until success.

If you don’t believe that you have anything to contribute, then you are already behind. You must believe that you are capable of doing more than you thought possible.

You don't need to know everything in order to start. Start small and then build on it. Look back at the things you've done throughout your lifetime. What are you most proud of? What are you proud of? How have you overcome obstacles?

Last but not least, remember that no one can stop you from reaching your full potential. No matter what anyone may say, you can do whatever you want.

Benjamin Franklin once said that "Nothing will work without you."

What can we learn from Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln said, “I am slow to understand; very fast to forget.”

He was conscious of how important it was for him to keep learning. He also understood that he would eventually have to learn new habits.

The same applies to our businesses. No matter how well we plan for success, there will be times when we hit roadblocks and find ourselves stuck in an unproductive rut.

That's why it's crucial to seek new ways to grow and evolve constantly. Even after we achieve success, it is essential to continue learning.

Lincoln had the right mindset. He realized that he could not stop learning, even though he was able to be more productive in his business.

There are two types: entrepreneurs. Those who stay busy and those who stay smart.

Those who are busy concentrate on growing their businesses. They focus on customer service and marketing strategies.

While they might feel that they have made a significant contribution, often they are not. If these entrepreneurs don't focus on being smarter, they will not be able achieve sustainable growth.

What makes successful entrepreneurs different from average entrepreneurs? You are able to adapt quickly to changing conditions.

Successionable entrepreneurs look for ways that they can improve their products or services when faced with difficult situations.

The average businessperson, however, will continue to use outdated methods that don't work. They won't change until their business is destroyed.

For success, you need to be skilled in both adaptation and self-reflection.


  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (knownepal.net)
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (lifehacker.com)
  • According to the Washington Post, Coming back to babies' mailing, the most extended trip taken by a “mailed” child happened to be in 1915. (medium.com)
  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (knownepal.net)
  • According to Smithsonian, mailing young James Beagle through postage cost only 15 cents, although his parents paid him $50. (medium.com)

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How To

How did propaganda become marketing history?

The term "propaganda," which was first used in 1879 by Max Weber, a German sociologist, was derived from the Greek word Praopagos which means "to communicate well". The Latin verb "propere", meaning "nearby" and "at hand", and the noun “agogos,” meaning "speech, discourse," are the origins of the term. It is "a systematic attempt to shape attitudes and behavior."

George Orwell, a British journalist, wrote in his 1928 book, "Propaganda": "To understand propaganda's true nature, we need to realize that it does not have the intent to make people believe anything. It is only the intention of changing their beliefs...It is meant to make them accept one thing over another."

Edward Bernays (1891 –1955), who was Sigmund Fréud's nephew. The psychoanalyst and nephew of Sigmund Freud became famous after he invented "public relations" back in 1922. He stated that the conscious and intelligent manipulations of the organized opinions and habits of the masses was an essential element of a democratic society. He founded "Bernays & Company" in 1927. This was where he worked until 1955.

Bernays invented an "engineering permission" technique, which allowed him to influence public opinion through publicity and advertising campaigns. His techniques were later adopted by mass media companies such as Time Magazine, CBS News, NBC News, and Newsweek. Bernays worked closely with corporations and government agencies after World War II to influence public opinion. Some of his clients included Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Company, U.S. Department of Defense, American Tobacco Company, DuPont, Rayonier, and the United States Chamber of Commerce.

The tobacco industry was his most important client. Philip Morris was his most notable client. He developed a campaign against tobacco smoking in 1939. This campaign was recommended by the Surgeon general. The Cigarette Advertising Act was passed in 1965. It prohibited any advertisement for cigarettes in print media including newspapers and television.

He also provided advice to President Franklin D Roosevelt regarding how to handle the growing labor force during the Great Depression. Bernays recommended that the president declare a war on hunger and use federal government power to ensure adequate food supply. This strategy made the government seem like a loving father figure, and it helped the president win his re-election bid in 1936.

Bernays promoted the idea of "radio-listening" in order to increase radio sales. He also introduced the concept of "branding" and "advertising" in the early 1930s. He believed that consumers could be influenced by appealing to their emotional side and making them feel special. For example, he promoted the slogan "Have you got what it takes?" in 1933, encouraging women to buy war bonds.

He established a political action group called "Young People for Freedom" back in 1944. The group's goal was to encourage Americans aged 18-30 to vote Republican. Dwight Eisenhower won, in 1952, the presidency after Bernays' efforts.

Bernays convinced CIA in 1953 to stage a coup d'etat in Iran. Shah Reza Pahlevi would replace Mohammad Mosaddegh. This was done to stop Mosaddegh's nationalization of Iranian oil fields. Bernays wrote articles extolling the new regime in praise after the coup.

Bernays also received numerous awards throughout his career.