Hitler's Sabotage Plot - Hitler's World: The Post War Plan - S01 EP02 - History Documentary

Discover the shocking truth about Nazi spies in the USA during World War II. In "Operation Pastorius," German agents set out to sabotage America but were foiled. Explore their sinister plans, from infiltrating American society to planned terror attacks, and how some agents turned against Hitler. Unearth the story of Camp Siegfried, Nazi sympathisers, and the Duquesne spy ring. Learn how the British influenced America's entry into the war. Uncover Hitler's desire to punish the United States and why Operation Pastorius was his last attempt. Dive into this fascinating chapter of history.


Uncover the ominous truth of Hitler's astonishingly detailed post-war vision for global dominance in this riveting historical series. Delve into meticulously researched evidence, recently declassified documents, and newly unearthed materials that shed light on the Nazi regime's concrete ambitions. These were not mere fantasies; they were real, meticulously planned, and could have rewritten the course of history. Join us as we unveil a chilling chapter of the past that still haunts our world today.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Who was the first to say that those who don’t learn from history are ignorant?

While we all would love to live in an ideal world that everyone learns from past mistakes, it is not possible to learn from our own mistakes.

There's no better way to learn to do something right than to experience it wrong.

The biggest mistake you can make is not ensuring that it goes right the first and only time.

As long you keep making adjustments, you'll eventually see the reason you made them.

You might even discover that you could have done it better the first time.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try again. That means you've learnt a lot.

Even though you cannot avoid making mistakes completely, you can minimize them. That is what will make the difference in success or failure.

Recognizing your mistakes is the first step. Look at your mistakes objectively, and then ask yourself: "What lessons have I learned?"

Your mistakes will only be lessons if your honesty is honest. They are learning opportunities.

Thomas Edison was the victim of this fate. He failed many more times before he invented the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. He used every failure as an opportunity to improve the design.

He invented the best form of lighting that is popular today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your mistakes. Take advantage of them.

Then, try again.

How to Learn Easily from Human History's Victories and Failures?

History doesn't repeat itself. Learning from the mistakes of human past history doesn't require much time. Be sure to not repeat the mistakes!

The key is to recognize what worked well in the past and apply those lessons to your business.

You can do this by reading books on leadership and management strategies and case studies of successful companies that have been around for decades.

You'll be able draw inspiration from their success and avoid the common pitfalls that they fell into.

You can also find examples of businesses that went bankrupt. Why did they fail? Are there any common themes among these failures? These insights can help prevent costly mistakes.

Finally, you can read about famous historical figures such as Abraham Lincoln, John D. Rockefeller, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk. Although they had the most impressive resumes, none of them knew how to manage people or run companies. You can learn from their mistakes if you want.

The bottom line is that learning from the victories and mistakes of human history is easy. You just need to spend a few moments every day reflecting on what worked in the past, and then finding ways to apply them today.

Can learning about history stop us from repeating past mistakes?

History repeats itself, because we continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly. We fail to learn from the mistakes we make. We don't change. We become complacent. We settle in mediocrity.

Because we continue to believe the same old stories, history repeats itself. We live in a world where we've been conditioned to believe that there are fixed truths and immutable laws. They cannot be changed.

This keeps us from being able to think critically. To question authority. From challenging assumptions. When we do not question, we stagnate. And when we don't grow, we stagnate. When we stagnate we make the same mistakes again and again.

But history doesn't repeat itself because we make the same mistakes. History repeats itself because we don't learn from our errors and keep making the same mistakes.

It is possible to break the cycle of history repetition. You can change the way you see the world, and your perspective by realizing that nothing is fixed in stone. There is no set in stone. All things are in constant flux.

The key to breaking the cycle is to embrace uncertainty. Accept that things can go wrong. To accept that we may not succeed. Accepting failure as a possibility.

Accept that you may not achieve your goals. Acceptance of this fact is okay. But, don't let it stop you from striving to improve.

You will always remain stuck in the past if you hold on to certainty. You can't move forward if your beliefs are fixed.

Freedom is only possible if you are willing to let go. If you want to progress, you have to give up control.

What can we learn from our mistakes?

Make mistakes, but don't fret about them. That means you'll learn something. You can also learn from your mistakes. So don't sweat the small stuff because there's nothing wrong with making mistakes. They happen to all of us.

It's okay to feel embarrassed about a mistake. However, it doesn't really matter if you feel ashamed. It is how you deal and learn from your mistakes that matters the most. If you allow them to get in the way of your growth, they will eventually eat away at your inner self. You'll be stronger if you see them as opportunities to grow.

Acknowledge and move past a mistake is the best way for you to overcome it. Focus on the next step and don't dwell on the past. Keep moving.

You don't need to dwell on your errors. Instead, find ways to improve. Learn from your mistakes and become better tomorrow.

Successful Inventions Made By Accident

Inventors make mistakes. How we deal with those mistakes is what determines whether our inventions succeed or fail.

The fact is there are no accidents when it comes to invention. Every invention was done intentionally. There is no such thing a accidental invention.

An invention is a deliberate act. An intention to create something. Something that solves a problem. Something that makes life better for someone.

But the key to a successful invention is understanding that nothing happens accidentally. Instead of trying to avoid mistakes, learn from them.

While we wish to claim that invention can be easy, it isn’t. Invention is hard work that requires persistence. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

You will need to spend a lot time thinking about ideas and problems. What are people interested in? What do they require?

You need to ask these questions. These questions will help guide you in deciding what kind of product/service you should develop next.

This is possible only if you let go any preconceived notions. Preconceived notions about what the world needs or wants are not valid. You have to listen carefully to your customers and potential customers.

Learn what they really want. It is not what they think they want.

Once you understand what they want, you must devise a method to deliver it. Here's where invention really begins.


  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (knownepal.net)
  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (knownepal.net)
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (lifehacker.com)
  • The classic clown stylings we know today have specific origins, according to u/Bodark34. (lifehacker.com)
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (lifehacker.com)

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How To

What You Can Take From Nintendo's Weirdly Wonderful 125 Years

Nintendo was founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi in Kyoto, Japan. In 1933, the headquarters moved to Osaka and Honshu respectively. Nintendo established its internet service provider called "NIC", (the Internet Corporation of Japan) in 1996. Later, the company was renamed Nintendo Co., Ltd.

In 2004, Nintendo's first Wii console was released. It was hugely successful. The Wii had motion sensing technology and used the Gamecube controller. Nintendo has released many Nintendo games since then including Mario, Zelda (and Pokemon).

In 2002, the GameCube console was launched. It was the successor of the GameBoy Advance. The GameCube Controller was similar to the Gameboy Color, except it had two analog sticks and four face buttons. The Nintendo DS released in 2004. The touchscreen interface was complemented by a stylus. There were three models available: one model had a builtin cam, another did not have one and the third featured a builtin stylus but no camera. The Nintendo DS Lite launched in 2005. It came with a smaller display than the original Nintendo DS. The Nintendo 3DS came out in 2011. It features 3D graphics. Each month, the system comes with a brand new game. They also release 2D versions of some of their 3D games.

Nintendo has also created several handheld consoles: the Super NES Classic Edition (N64), SNES Classic Edition (N64), Game Boy Micro, Game Boy Advance SP and Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Advance SP. The Nintendo DSi XL is the latest, as well as the Nintendo 3DS XL.

Nintendo has also made many different types of controllers. These include the GameCube controller, the Wii Remote, the Wii U Pro Controller, and the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con.

Nintendo has many famous characters. Mario, Yoshi and Link are just a few of the many famous Nintendo characters.

Mario is well-known for his mustache and hat. He also wears overalls. When he plays tennis, he wears sunglasses.

Luigi is known for his mustache and his cap. He wears overalls, a green shirt, a red shirt, a blue shirt, a green shirt, an orange shirt, a white shirt, a blue shirt, and a red shirt. He wears glasses when he plays tennis. His hair is always messy.

Yoshi is famous for his mustache. He is known for wearing overalls and green shirt. He uses glasses to play tennis.

Peach is famous because of her peach dress, necklace and parasol.