How Public Spending Cuts Resulted In The Shameful Neglect Of The NHS In The 70s | Our History

Spending cuts highlight the shameful neglect of the NHS. Reporter John Pilger investigates national health care in the UK.
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Award-winning, international journalist and Filmmaker, John Pilger reports on some unjust and harrowing situations around the world.
John Pilger recalls the establishment of the NHS, and the words of Health Minister Aneurin Bevan suggesting that the “silent suffering” of the old, young, chronically sick and handicapped had no place in a civilised society, especially with his introduction of the National Health Service. But, in December 1976, an official report revealed that thousands of children who could be saved were dying.

This film was first broadcast: 12 Sep 1977

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can learning about history stop us from repeating past mistakes?

History repeats itself because we keep making similar mistakes over and again. We fail to learn from our mistakes. We don't change. We become complacent. We settle for mediocrity.

History repeats itself when we believe the same old stories. Our world is conditioned to believe there are immutable laws and fixed truths. They are immutable laws and truths that we can't change.

This prevents us thinking critically. It prevents us from questioning authority. To challenge assumptions. And when we don't question, we don't grow. When we don't learn, we stagnate. If we stagnate, then we make the exact same mistakes.

History doesn't repeat itself, because we continue to make the same mistakes. History repeats itself because we refuse to learn from our mistakes and instead continue to make the same ones over and over.

You can break the cycle of history repetition by changing how you look at the world and yourself, by understanding that nothing is set in stone. Nothing is unchangeable. Everything is in constant flux.

Uncertainty is key to breaking the cycle. Accepting the possibility of things going wrong. To accept the possibility of failure. Accepting that failure is possible.

Accept that you may never achieve your goals. Accept that you may not achieve your goals. However, it is important to keep working towards improving.

Holding on to the past will keep you stuck. If you insist on the existence of fixed truths, then you will never move forward.

To achieve freedom, you must be open to change. If you want to progress, you have to give up control.

How can you easily learn from the mistakes and victories of human history?

You don't need to wait for history repeats itself. It takes very little time to learn from the mistakes made by human history. It's important to learn from the mistakes of human history and not repeat them.

Recognize what worked in the past, and use those lessons to improve your business.

This can be accomplished by reading books and case studies about successful companies over the years.

You can learn from their successes and avoid the pitfalls they fell into.

You can also look at examples of businesses which have been bankrupt. Why did they fail. Do these failures have any common themes? These insights will allow you to avoid costly errors.

You can also read about historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, John D. Rockefeller and Steve Jobs. They had the most impressive resumes but none knew how managing people or running a company. Learn from their mistakes to help you make better decisions.

The bottom line is that you can learn from the failures and victories of human experience. All you need to do is spend a few minutes every day thinking about what has worked well in the past and finding ways to implement them today.

What can our mistakes teach?

Do not worry too much about making mistakes. You'll learn something. You can always learn from your mistakes. Don't fret about the little stuff, because mistakes are okay. We all make them.

Although you might feel embarrassed by a mistake you made, it doesn’t matter how bad you feel. What matters is how you deal with those mistakes. You will let your mistakes bother you. However, if they are seen as opportunities for growth you will come out the other side stronger.

Acknowledge and move past a mistake is the best way for you to overcome it. Focus on the next step and don't dwell on the past. Keep moving.

Do not obsess about your mistakes. Instead, focus on your strengths and work towards improving yourself. Learn from your mistakes, and you will be a better person tomorrow.

Successful Inventions made by accident

Inventors make mistakes. However, the way we react to those errors will determine whether our inventions turn out to be great successes or failures.

It is a fact that invention does not happen by accident. Each invention was created intentionally. An accidental invention is not possible.

An invention is a deliberate act. An intentional decision to create something new. It solves a problem. It makes someone's life easier.

Understanding that mistakes are not inevitable is the key to invention success. Instead of trying not to make mistakes, try learning from them.

We would love to tell you that invention is simple, but it's not. It takes hard work and perseverance to invent something. It's not a quick fix. It takes patience.

That means you must spend a lot of time thinking about problems and ideas. What are people concerned about? What do they want?

Ask yourself these questions. These questions will help to determine the type of product and service that you should be developing next.

This requires you to let go of any preconceived notions. Any assumptions about what the world wants or needs. Listen to your potential and current customers.

It is important to find out what your clients want. Not what they tell themselves they want.

Once you understand what they want, you must devise a method to deliver it. Here's where invention really begins.

What is the most important thing you should know about history?

There isn't an easy answer to this question. There are three things to keep in mind when learning. The first is to realize that knowledge can be power. Second, knowledge can be cumulative. Third, we must appreciate how quickly knowledge changes.

Knowledge is power. It allows us to make better decisions, and improve our lives. Perfect information would make it easy to make informed decisions. We would always do what we want without worrying about if it was right or wrong.

Knowledge is power, but it can also be cumulative. This means that after we've acquired knowledge, we continue to learn more. As time passes, we get smarter and smarter. Knowledge accumulates.

Let's now move on to the third point. Knowledge is not static. Knowledge is always changing. Every day, scientists discover new facts, theories, and ways of thinking. Each day new discoveries are made.

Technology allows us to quickly access knowledge, and is crucial for our culture. Technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in digital form and share it among millions of people worldwide.

Globalization has transformed the way we see technology and knowledge. Globalization is the process by which ideas and products spread across borders. Globalization means that knowledge is accessible anywhere.

Anyone can access any information on the internet. Everybody can read books and watch movies. They can also listen to music, play games, or surf the internet. All these activities require knowledge.

Information is becoming more accessible and more specialized. If you search online for advice on health, finance or business, you will find hundreds of thousands of sites offering information about topics such as cooking, travel, sport, or business. These websites provide information on just about every topic.

If you want to buy a car online, however, you will likely only find a few dozen websites that provide automotive-related services. There will not be thousands of sites that cover every subject. You'll only find a handful of sites that specialize in cars.

Experts in specific fields are able to create and share valuable knowledge. Experts often have a deep knowledge of a particular area. Experts are also capable of producing high-quality content targeted at their audience.

Because consumers don't need to scroll through endless amounts of information, they can focus on a specific niche. Instead, they can rely on a limited number of websites that offer lots of valuable content.

Experts also have the advantage of specialization. They can build strong businesses around this expertise. When someone buys a book, he expects the author to know his subject well enough to write a clear and concise explanation of the material. He wants to be confident that the author understands his message.

Experts that aren't specialists risk losing potential clients who expect them to be experts.

The scope of specialization doesn't stop at one area. Many of us today are specialists in many areas. It could be that we are an accountant, a lawyer or a doctor. Or a teacher. But we're also likely to be a parent, spouses, friends, and fans.

Experts argue that specialization is so common that it's impossible for one person to be an expert in all aspects of the same thing.

How do you become an expert on multiple subjects? The simple answer is practice. You've got to put in the hours necessary to learn something. When you start to make progress, it's important to keep going until your skills are recognized by others.

Nowadays, there are entire industries devoted to helping others achieve this goal. Some courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, and even schools teach people how to gain knowledge quickly.


  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (
  • According to the Washington Post, Coming back to babies' mailing, the most extended trip taken by a “mailed” child happened to be in 1915. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (

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How To

The Suez Canal Changed the World

Ferdinand de Lesseps created the Suez Canal in 1869. This was his dream to connect Europe and Asia. To accomplish this, he had to build a canal through the Isthmus of Suez (the narrowest point), to allow ships from Europe and Asia to reach India/China. This process required building a series of locks and dams along the way. He traveled to Egypt several time, where he worked with Khedive Ismail Pasha on financing the project. When he returned home to France, he discovered that Napoleon III had been overthrown, and was being replaced by the Second Empire. They had no interest in such an expensive project. It took him three years before the French government agreed to fund the project. After the British lost the Battle of Omdurman in Sudan War 1859, they signed a Treaty allowing them to access the Red Sea via Suez Canal. The canal opened in 1869.

The project opened up trade routes to increase international commerce and helped many countries develop around the world, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Japan and South Africa.

In addition, people can travel much more quickly than ever thanks to the Suez Canal. It used to take weeks or months for people to cross the Isthmian Peninsula before it was constructed. Now it takes just days. People could visit Paris, London or Rome without the need to cross dangerous storms or endure long sea voyages. Additionally, the Suez Canal reduced the distance between North America & Europe by nearly 3,000 miles, making it more convenient for people to travel back and forward. The Suez Canal was one of the greatest transportation projects of all time.

The Suez Canal caused problems as it divided the Ottoman Empire in two, ultimately leading to the First World War. During the war the British used Suez Canal in an attack on Germany. But the Germans attacked Britain using their canal version. The Suez Canal was finally under Egyptian control after the war ended, but the British retained the land to its right.

After the Second World War, the Suez Canal remained an important part of global trade until the Arab-Israeli conflict began in 1948. Both sides didn't want to fight each other initially, as they were afraid the other might use force. Israel finally captured the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt in 1967. After that, the Suez Canal was shut to all shipping except military vessels. This closure was in effect for four years, until President Sadat opened the canal to civilian traffic in 1973.