Navy Officer Immediately Jumps Into Water After Spotting This #shorts

Navy officer immediately jumps into water after spotting this. Today, we take a look at what this navy officer saw in the ocean #youtubeshorts

When Navy Officers went back to check for an oil spill from a sinking boat, they noticed that 4 cats were huddled together on a crane structure.

One of the officers said that the animals were clearly in trouble, and so put on a life jacket and immediately jumped into the ocean to carry out a rescue mission.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

Frequently Asked Questions

What lessons can history teach us?

Three lessons can be learned from history. First, you must do it yourself when you change the world. It is important to make sure that people are prepared for change when you try to improve their lives. The third thing you must do to improve the future is to first change how people live.

The first lesson is that there are two ways to change the world. The first is to fight for it. The second is to make it happen. If you fight for it you lose sight on why you started to fight.

It is impossible to control how people respond to your ideas. However, it is possible to control how you present them. If you want to persuade someone, you'll eventually fail. If you try to convince someone to do something, you will fail.

Great movements were born out of an idea that was realized and then taken action. No matter whether you are creating change, or reacting to it. Here are three ways you can make your mark: Be clear about the things you want, be honest with where you came from, be courageous enough to go where no other person has gone before, and be clear about who you are.

The second lesson is that each of us has a choice. We can either wait for our lives to happen to us, or we can choose to make them happen. This means we must decide what kind of life we want to lead. Are we content to wait for someone else's approval to let us live? Or, do we want control of our destiny and take control?

We are living in a golden age, I would argue. There's more opportunity than ever before, creating a lot of excitement. It's exciting to see people feel empowered to shape their future.

It also presents a problem. It is essential to determine what you want, and how you can get it.

Let's take, for example, the desire to purchase a house. You could sit back and hope someone gives you a gift certificate to Home Depot. You can also ask yourself: "What would my dream job be?" Find a job that will allow you to do it. Apply for financing.

Now, suppose you were to travel the world. You might ask yourself, "Where do I want to go?" Then, you'd start saving money, researching countries online, talking to friends, etc. Then, you book a trip.

Let's suppose you don't know what you want. In that case, you'd probably end up doing one of those things anyway. But by asking yourself questions like this, you increase your chances of getting what you want. It might seem ridiculous, but it's true.

And the third lesson is that no matter what happens next, you can always improve the future. It is easy to see why. Your choices determine who you are and who you become.

You can learn from the mistakes and successes of others and continue to improve until you achieve your goals.

If you don't believe you have something to offer the world, you're already behind. You must believe you are better than you think you are.

Start with what you already know. Start small and move on. Consider what you have learned over the course of your life. What have you failed to do? What has been your greatest success? What have you done to overcome obstacles?

Finally, remember that the only person who can limit your potential is you. No matter what anyone may say, you can do whatever you want.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing will be successful unless you do."

What can we learn from our mistakes?

Do not worry too much about making mistakes. You'll learn something. You can also learn from your mistakes. You shouldn't stress about the small details. We all make mistakes.

Even though you may feel embarrassed after making a mistake it doesn't mean you have to feel guilty. How you handle your mistakes is what matters most. They will eat at your soul if you allow them to bother you. You'll be stronger if you see them as opportunities to grow.

The best way to overcome a mistake is to acknowledge and move past it. You don't need to dwell on it. Instead, you should focus on the next step. Keep moving.

Don't be discouraged by your failures. Instead, find ways to improve. Learn from your failures and make improvements for tomorrow.

Successful Inventions made by accident

Inventors make mistakes. How we deal with those mistakes is what determines whether our inventions succeed or fail.

The fact is there are no accidents when it comes to invention. Every invention was designed. An accidental invention is not possible.

A deliberate act of invention is called an invention. An intention to create something. Something that solves the problem. Something that makes life better for someone.

The key to success is not assuming that everything happens by accident. Instead of trying avoidable mistakes, learn from them.

Although it would be nice to think that invention is easy, it's not. Invention requires hard work and persistence. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

That means you must spend a lot of time thinking about problems and ideas. What is it that people are most concerned about? What do they really need?

Ask yourself these questions. Questions that will help you figure out what kind of product or service you should develop next.

To achieve this, it is important to forget about any preconceived ideas. Don't make assumptions about what people want or need. You have to listen carefully to your customers and potential customers.

They must learn what they are looking for. Not what they tell themselves they want.

Once you understand what they want, you must devise a method to deliver it. This is where invention comes in.

How To Easily Learn From The Victories and Mistakes of Human History?

You don't have to wait for history to repeat itself. Learning from human history's mistakes doesn't take long. You just need to avoid repeating the mistakes.

Recognize what worked in the past, and use those lessons to improve your business.

This is possible by studying books about leadership and managing strategies as well case studies of successful businesses that have been around for decades.

You can learn from their successes and avoid the pitfalls they fell into.

It is also possible to study the bankruptcy cases of other businesses. Why did they fail? Is there a common theme among these failures. These insights can help to avoid costly mistakes.

Finally, read about notable historical figures like Abraham Lincoln and John D. Rockefeller. Although they had the most impressive resumes, none of them knew how to manage people or run companies. It is essential to learn from their mistakes in order to gain valuable lessons.

It's easy to learn from the mistakes and successes of human history. You just need to spend a few moments every day reflecting on what worked in the past, and then finding ways to apply them today.

Who was the original person to have said that historical people don't learn.

We all wish to live in a world where everyone learns from the past, but there are more valuable things than learning from our mistakes.

Experience it wrong is the best way to learn.

The most serious mistake is to try to make it right the first go.

You'll eventually discover why you made the changes if you continue to make them.

You might even realize that you could have done this better the first attempt.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you should stop trying. It means you've learned a lot.

Even though you cannot avoid making mistakes completely, you can minimize them. And that's the difference between success and failure.

Acknowledging your mistakes begins the process. Then look at them objectively and ask yourself: "What did I learn?"

Your mistakes will only be lessons if your honesty is honest. These are opportunities to learn.

Thomas Edison had to go through the exact same thing. He failed many other times before he inventing the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, he took each failure as an opportunity and improved his design.

He also invented the most widely used form of lighting, which is still in use today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your errors. Use them.

And then, you can try again.


  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (
  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (
  • The classic clown stylings we know today have specific origins, according to u/Bodark34. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (

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How To

Discovery of Penicillin: Successful Inventions Made by Accident

How did penicillin get created?

Alexander Fleming, who had some bacteria cultures left behind, noticed that penicillin was growing on them. He thought the mold might kill the bacteria, so he tried to find something that would destroy the mold.

Penicillin was able to kill the mold. Then he discovered that it could also be used to fight bacteria-related infections. The discovery of penicillin was one of the most significant medical breakthroughs ever. It saved millions lives and changed forever the course of medicine.

Alexander Fleming had no idea at first what his discovery would mean. Nobody else did. Penicillin was a powerful antibiotic that no one had ever imagined.

Scientists discovered penicillin could be used to treat bacterial infections, but this was not until after World War II. In 1945, the U.S. Army asked Dr. Fleming if he could use penicillin to treat soldiers suffering from wounds infected with deadly germs. Dr. Fleming accepted the offer.

Penicillin is effective against many types of infections, as it turned out. It became a lifesaver for wounded soldiers during World War II. And it helped doctors save countless lives after the war.

Dr. Fleming had no idea that his discovery would have such an impact. He just wanted to ensure mold didn't grow on the bacteria cultures he used to study. He could not imagine that this simple experiment would lead him to such a miraculous medical breakthrough.

Truth is that most discoveries every day don’t appear to add up to anything significant. They are experiments performed for no particular reason.

Look back on history and you'll see that even seemingly minor experiments can make all the difference.

The most important discoveries are those that seem to have absolutely nothing in common. Penicillin was discovered. Or photography. Or electricity. Or even computers.

The invention doesn't happen because someone thinks of a brilliant idea. It occurs because someone has a problem. And then, they solve that problem through experimentation.

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