Queen Elizabeth II's Tiaras

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You can’t be a King without the bling, and you can’t be a Queen without the sheen. Let's learn about the artistry, history and gob-smacking value of over 20 tiaras previously owned by Queen Elizabeth II. They are printed on stamps, coins and bank notes across the globe and have been seen on millions of screens gracing the foreheads of Princess Diana, Catherine Middleton, Meghan Markle and other British royals on their wedding days. Now that the Queen has died, we'll explore who might have inherited her priceless tiaras in her will.
George IV’s State Diadem, 1821
Queen Adelaide’s Diamond Fringe Tiara, 1830
Belgian Sapphire Tiara, 1850s
Indian Circlet, 1853
Grand Duchess Vladimir Tiara, 1874
Queen Alexandra’s Kokoshnik Tiara, 1888
Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara, 1893
Meander Tiara, 1903
Delhi Durbar Tiara, 1911
Queen Mary’s Lover’s Knot Tiara, 1913
Queen Mary Fringe Tiara, 1919
Greville Emerald Kokoshnik Tiara, 1919
Lotus Flower Tiara, 1923
Strathmore Rose Tiara, 1923
Cartier Bracelet Bandeau, 1923
Queen Mary’s Diamond Bandeau Tiara, 1932
Cartier Halo Tiara, 1936
Brazilian Aquamarine Tiara, 1957
Aquamarine Ribbon Tiara, 1970
Burmese Ruby Tiara, 1973

I make mini documentaries about women's history and royal history:
Queens of the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lxDVWL1aN4&list=PLsiuz33wEZhj6CFEHrw47ulNyvyHO57J8
A History of... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A8yKzJN-C0&list=PLsiuz33wEZhii9xcG1p2FmkfzWf2Axv8b
Royal History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnisWy9P9u0&list=PLsiuz33wEZhjKGD6PxxG-xkT_ZTTchMFV
LGBT Royals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUW1AqFIY94&list=PLsiuz33wEZhgGKCsUDY6R-5YcLrEFLc2i

Music: Bellissimo by Doug Maxwell

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who first said that people who don't learn history from the past are stupid?

While we all would love to live in an ideal world that everyone learns from past mistakes, it is not possible to learn from our own mistakes.

It's not better to try something wrong than to learn how to do it right.

The most serious mistake is to try to make it right the first go.

As long you keep making adjustments, you'll eventually see the reason you made them.

You might even discover that you could have done it better the first time.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try again. It means you've learned a lot.

While you may not be able avoid making mistakes, there are ways to minimize them. That's what makes the difference between success or failure.

Acknowledging your mistakes is the first step. Then look at them objectively and ask yourself: "What did I learn?"

You'll find that mistakes can be viewed as lessons if you are honest with yourself. They are learning opportunities.

Thomas Edison went through exactly the same thing. He failed many times before he finally invented the light bulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, he saw each failure as an opportunity for improvement in his design.

He also invented the most widely used form of lighting, which is still in use today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your mistakes. These are your opportunities to learn.

And then, you can try again.

What are three things that you can learn from the past?

There are numerous examples throughout history that demonstrate how we can learn and improve from our mistakes. These lessons can be applied to the challenges of business today and turned into opportunities for growth.

The past teaches us there is always another way. There is always someone out there who thinks outside the box and takes risks that make them stand apart.

History shows that the underdogs are often the ones who win. Look back at the times when an underdog won.

You can learn from the past, and bring those lessons into the future. Learn from the mistakes and successes of others.

Use these lessons to help you improve your success rate.

What is the most important lesson you can learn from history?

This question has many facets. Learning can be viewed in three ways. First, we need to recognize that knowledge is the power of learning. Second, we must recognize that knowledge is cumulative. Third, we must appreciate how quickly knowledge changes.

Knowledge is power. Because it empowers people to make better decisions. If we had complete information, we wouldn't have any difficulty making decisions. We would always do what we want without worrying about if it was right or wrong.

Knowledge is power, but it can also be cumulative. This means that we add knowledge to our brains every time we learn something. As we get smarter, our brains become more sophisticated. Knowledge accumulates.

Now, let's look at the third point. Knowledge isn't static. Information is constantly changing. Every day scientists discover new facts, theories, ways of thinking. There are always new discoveries.

Technology is a key component of our culture. It allows us to instantly access information. Technology allows you to store massive amounts of data in digital format and share them with millions of people all over the world.

Globalization has transformed the way we see technology and knowledge. Globalization is the process of ideas and products spreading across borders. Globalization means that knowledge is accessible anywhere.

Access to information from anywhere on the planet is possible thanks to the internet. You can watch movies, browse the internet, listen or play music and read books. All these activities require knowledge.

Knowledge is becoming more available, but it is also becoming more niche. Today, there are thousands of websites providing advice on topics such a health, finance, business and cooking. These sites have information on every topic.

If you want to buy a car online, however, you will likely only find a few dozen websites that provide automotive-related services. You won't find thousands of websites covering every subject. Instead, you'll only find a handful that deal with cars.

Because experts in certain fields can share and create valuable knowledge, this is why specialization is important. Experts often have a deep understanding of a particular field. Experts are also skilled at producing content that is relevant to their target audience.

Consumers will appreciate this specialization because they won't have to go through tons of irrelevant information. Instead, they can rely on a limited number of websites that offer lots of valuable content.

Experts also benefit from specialization because they can build strong businesses around their expertise. A person buys a book because he expects that the author is knowledgeable enough about his topic to be able to give a concise and clear explanation. He wants to feel confident that the author is able to convey his message.

An expert who isn't a specialist risks losing customers who are expecting him to be one.

Specialization isn't limited to just one area. Nowadays, specialists are not limited to one area. You might be an accountant or lawyer, a doctor or teacher. We are also likely to be parents, spouses and friends.

Experts agree that it is impossible to succeed in one area without being skilled in another.

So how do you become an expert in multiple areas? It's simple: practice. It's necessary to work hard to learn. You can make great progress if you continue to work until people recognize you.

There are many industries that help others achieve this goal. Many courses, workshops and seminars, as well as schools, teach how to quickly gain knowledge.

What can our mistakes teach?

Don't be too concerned about making a mistake. It's an opportunity to learn. This means that you will learn something. You can also learn from your mistakes. You don't have to worry about the small things. There's nothing wrong in making mistakes. All of us make mistakes.

While it's possible to feel embarrassed when you make a mistake, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should feel bad. It's how you deal with your mistakes that matters most. If you allow them to get in the way of your growth, they will eventually eat away at your inner self. You'll be stronger if you see them as opportunities to grow.

The best way to overcome a mistake is to acknowledge and move past it. You don't need to dwell on it. Instead, you should focus on the next step. Keep moving.

Don't obsess over your mistakes. Instead, focus on your strengths and work towards improving yourself. Learn from your mistakes and be better tomorrow.

Successful Inventions Created by Accident

Inventors make mistakes. But how we respond to those mistakes determines whether our inventions become great successes or failures.

When it comes to invention, there are no accidents. Every invention was planned. An accidental invention is not possible.

An invention can be described as a deliberate act. It is an intentional decision to create something. Something that solves an issue. Something that makes life better for someone.

The key to success is not assuming that everything happens by accident. Instead of trying avoidable mistakes, learn from them.

Invention is not easy. Invention is hard work that requires persistence. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

You will need to spend a lot time thinking about ideas and problems. What is it that people are most concerned about? What are they looking for?

These are questions that you should ask yourself. Questions that will help you figure out what kind of product or service you should develop next.

This is possible only if you let go any preconceived notions. Preconceived notions about what the world needs or wants are not valid. You need to pay attention to the needs of your potential customers and customers.

It is important to find out what your clients want. You must learn what they really want.

Once you know what your customers want, it is time to create a way for them to get it. Here's where invention really begins.


  • According to Smithsonian, mailing young James Beagle through postage cost only 15 cents, although his parents paid him $50. (medium.com)
  • The classic clown stylings we know today have specific origins, according to u/Bodark34. (lifehacker.com)
  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (knownepal.net)
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (collabfund.com)
  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (knownepal.net)

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How To

What You Can Learn From Nintendo's Weird and Wonderful 125 Years

Fusajiro Youchi of Kyoto, Japan founded Nintendo in 1889. In 1933, the headquarters moved to Osaka and Honshu respectively. Nintendo established its internet service provider called "NIC", (the Internet Corporation of Japan) in 1996. In 2001, Nintendo Co., Ltd. was created.

In 2004, Nintendo released its first Wii console, which became very successful. The Wii's motion sensor technology was used and it also had the Gamecube controller. Nintendo has since released many games including Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon.

2002 was the year that GameCube's console was released. It was the successor console to the GameBoy Advance. The GameCube Controller looked similar to the Gameboy Color but had four buttons instead of two analog sticks. The Nintendo DS was introduced in 2004. It featured a touchscreen interface and a stylus. There were three types: one had a camera built-in, another didn't have one, and then there was a third model that came with a stylus, but with a camera built-in. In 2005, the Nintendo DS Lite was launched. It came with a smaller display than the original Nintendo DS. The Nintendo 3DS released in 2011. It has 3D graphics. Each month, the system comes with a brand new game. They also produce 2D versions for some of their 3D-games.

Nintendo also produces handheld consoles like the Super NES, SNES Classic Edition and N64.

There are many controllers that Nintendo makes. These controllers include the GameCube Controller, the Wii Remote and the Wii U Pro Controller.

There are many well-known characters from Nintendo. Some of them include Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Link, Samus Aran, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, Wario, Bowser, Kirby, Fox McCloud, Jigglypuff, Ness, Captain Falcon, Roy, Falco, Wolf, Ganon, King Dedede, Solid Snake, Olimar, Pit, Zero Suit Samus, Lucas, Marth, Ike, Robin, R.O.B., Ryu, Ken, Sonic, Tails, Triforce, Tetra, Pichu, Charizard, Greninja, Lucario, Dr. Mario, Mr. Game & Watch, Mii, Pokemon Trainer, Mewtwo, Simon Belmont, Darkstalkers, Mega Man, Pacman, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Animal Crossing Amiibo, Nintendo Labo, Luigi, Peach, Toadette, Daisy, Rosalina, Cappy, Isabelle, Isabelle, Koopa Troopa, Dry Bones, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Baby Toadette, Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina, Baby Cappy, Baby Isabelle, Baby Koopa Troopa, and Baby Dry Bones.

Mario is famous for his mustache, hat and overalls. When he plays tennis, he wears sunglasses.

Luigi is known for his mustache and his cap. He wears overalls with a green shirt. When he plays tennis, he wears glasses. His hair is always messy.

Yoshi is known to have a mustache. He wears overalls and a green shirt. While playing tennis, he wears glasses.

Peach is best known for her peach dress. She also has a parasol, a necklace, hat, a necklace, sash, a parasol, earmuffs, umbrella, handbag, pajamas and slippers.

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