Rare Muhammad Ali Interview Discussing His Boxing Career & Favourite Boxers | Ali Our History

David Frost and Muhammad Ali discuss his fresh ban from boxing in 1967, and whether he still considers himself 'The Champ'

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Embark on a journey back to 1967 as David Frost engages in a captivating discussion with the one and only Muhammad Ali. In this riveting exchange, Ali opens up about the fresh ban imposed on him from boxing, delving into the reasons behind this controversial decision. As the conversation unfolds, Frost delves into the depths of Ali's psyche, probing whether he still considers himself "The Champ" despite the setback. Brace yourself for an intimate and introspective exploration of Ali's unwavering self-belief, his resilience in the face of adversity, and the indomitable spirit that has cemented his legacy as one of the greatest athletes of all time. Get ready to witness the meeting of two extraordinary minds as they navigate the complexities of fame, identity, and the unyielding pursuit of greatness.

This film was first broadcast: 13 Dec 1968

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do our mistakes show us?

Make mistakes, but don't fret about them. That means you'll learn something. You can always learn from your mistakes. You shouldn't stress about the small details. We all make mistakes.

Although you might feel embarrassed by a mistake you made, it doesn’t matter how bad you feel. How you handle your mistakes is what matters most. You'll be unable to deal with them if they become a problem. However, if they are seen as opportunities for growth you will come out the other side stronger.

Recognize your mistake and move on. Do not dwell on it. Instead, look ahead to the next step. Keep moving.

Don't dwell on your mistakes. Instead, try to find ways to improve. Learn from your mistakes, and you will be a better person tomorrow.

Successful Inventions made by accident

Inventors make mistakes. How we deal with those mistakes is what determines whether our inventions succeed or fail.

Invention is not an accident. Every invention was planned. There is no such thing as an accidental invention.

A deliberate act of invention is called an invention. An intentional decision to create something new. It solves a problem. Someone's quality of life will be improved.

But the key to a successful invention is understanding that nothing happens accidentally. Instead of trying avoidable mistakes, learn from them.

As much as we would love to say that invention is easy, it isn't. Invention takes persistence and hard work. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

That means that you will have to spend much time thinking about issues and new ideas. What are people concerned about? What are they looking for?

Ask yourself these questions. These questions will help determine what product or service you should create next.

This requires you to let go of any preconceived notions. All assumptions about the world's wants and needs. You have to listen carefully to your customers and potential customers.

It is important to find out what your clients want. Not what they tell themselves they want.

Once you have identified what they want, the next step is to design a way that you can give it to them. That's where invention begins.

Who said that history doesn't teach the ignorant?

Although we wish for a world where everyone learned from history, learning from our mistakes is more important than living in that ideal world.

There's no better way to learn to do something right than to experience it wrong.

The only real mistake is not trying to ensure you do it right the first time.

You'll eventually discover why you made the changes if you continue to make them.

You might find out that it was easier than you thought.

You shouldn't give up on trying again. It means you've learned a lot.

While you may not be able avoid making mistakes, there are ways to minimize them. This is the difference that makes the difference of success and failure.

It all starts with acknowledging your mistakes. Next, look at your mistakes objectively and ask yourself "What have I learned?"

Your mistakes will only be lessons if your honesty is honest. They are learning opportunities.

And that's exactly what happened to Thomas Edison. He failed many other times before he inventing the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, he used each one as an opportunity to improve his design.

He invented the best form of lighting that is popular today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your errors. Please take advantage of them.

And then try again.

What can we learn about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln said, "I am slow to learn; very quick to forget."

He was aware of the importance to continue learning, knowing that there would be a time when he would have to relearn his old habits and adopt new ones.

The same goes for businesses. No matter how meticulously we plan for success and what our goals are, there will be moments when we get stuck in a rut.

That's why it's crucial to seek new ways to grow and evolve constantly. Even after we achieve success, it is essential to continue learning.

Lincoln had the right attitude. He understood that his business could be more successful, but he couldn’t afford to stop learning.

There are two types. Those who stay busy and those who stay smart.

Those who stay active focus on growing their business. They work on marketing strategies, product development, customer service, and other daily tasks.

While they might feel that they have made a significant contribution, often they are not. These entrepreneurs will not achieve sustainable growth unless they are focused on becoming smarter.

What makes successful entrepreneurs different from average entrepreneurs? The ability to adapt quickly and to change circumstances.

Entrepreneurs are successful because they look for ways of improving their products and services in the face of challenges.

On the other hand, average entrepreneurs cling to outdated methods that no longer work. They won't change until their business is destroyed.

For success, you need to be skilled in both adaptation and self-reflection.

How To Easily Learn From The Victories and Mistakes of Human History?

It doesn't matter if history repeats itself. It takes very little time to learn from the mistakes made by human history. It's important to learn from the mistakes of human history and not repeat them.

The key is to take what worked in the past and learn from it.

This can be achieved by reading books on leadership, management strategies, and case studies of successful companies who have been around for decades.

You'll be able draw inspiration from their success and avoid the common pitfalls that they fell into.

It is also possible to study the bankruptcy cases of other businesses. Why did they fail? Is there a common theme among these failures. These insights can help prevent costly mistakes.

Finally, read about notable historical figures like Abraham Lincoln and John D. Rockefeller. They had the most impressive resumes but none knew how managing people or running a company. So if you want to learn from their experiences, you need to find out why they made so many mistakes.

It's easy to learn from the mistakes and successes of human history. It is easy to think about the things that worked well in the past today and find ways to make them work for you today.


  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (knownepal.net)
  • The classic clown stylings we know today have specific origins, according to u/Bodark34. (lifehacker.com)
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (lifehacker.com)
  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (knownepal.net)
  • According to the Washington Post, Coming back to babies' mailing, the most extended trip taken by a “mailed” child happened to be in 1915. (medium.com)

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How To

What can humankind learn by the past mistakes of its ancestors?

We've been here before, we'll probably be here again. However, there is nothing wrong with learning from past mistakes. It might even help humanity survive another crisis.

If we keep an open mind and look for lessons to guide us forward, we may make it out alive.

We fail to learn from our mistakes and ignore the fact that human nature hasn’t changed much in the past. This is the problem.

The wisdom of the old ways is vast, but we tend not to pay attention because they contradict our beliefs. Instead of accepting changes that we find difficult, instead we hold on to what is familiar.

But the world changes and our relationship with it is changing. Our environment is becoming increasingly complex and we have more problems to solve.

We must change. This makes us more susceptible to failure, as we won't have the same strategies that worked previously.

We lose sight of our values when we do this and we become slaves to the habits we have created.

Our brains evolved to adapt to conditions that existed thousands of years ago. But those days aren't gone forever.

The future isn’t certain. There's still room for improvement.

Humans are still capable of great feats. We can create amazing technologies. To discover new frontiers, and explore unexplored territory.

Yet, we are often tempted to limit ourselves. To fear change. To reject evolution. To believe that what worked yesterday will be the same tomorrow.

This trend is being fought by some people. They see themselves as warriors against the status quo. Fighting against the establishment. Against the system.

They see themselves as rebels who take pride in defying convention. They challenge society's conventions and norms.

They resist rules and regulations. They loathe conformity. They don’t care about social expectations. They think they are superior to everyone else.

To them, I say "Good Luck!"

You'll need it!

Because it's a tough battle. These forces are strong and drive mainstream society.

In many places around the globe, the majority has no interest in listening to you. There is little interest in your point-of-view.

It doesn't matter if you're brilliant or well-intentioned. Your ideas might not resonate with the masses.

Your message could be lost on the ears of deaf people. You'll need to learn strange lessons from history.

Because this is where the real power lies. This is where you can truly make a difference.

This is where you can inspire others. You can help transform communities by building movements.

Let me ask, what do you want? Is it your goal to live up the other person's expectations all of the time? Or would it be better to decide your own path.