Richard III's Royal Conspiracy - Medieval Murder Mysteries - S01 EP05 - History Documentary

Explore the perplexing medieval murder mystery of the Princes in the Tower. Unearth historical theories, forensic analysis, and expert insights, revealing the shocking fate of the young princes during a tumultuous era in English history.


Medieval Murder Mysteries is a captivating historical documentary series that delves into the enigmatic and sinister crimes of the medieval era. With meticulous research and dramatic reenactments, the show unravels unsolved mysteries, murders, and intrigues from a time when justice was elusive. Explore the dark secrets, clues, and motives behind these age-old crimes as experts and historians shed light on the turbulent past. Join the journey into the heart of medieval darkness as each episode unveils a different chilling murder mystery, providing a window into a bygone world of treachery, deception, and the relentless quest for justice.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most important lesson you can learn from history?

This question is not easy to answer. When thinking about learning, there are three key points you should consider. The first is to realize that knowledge can be power. Second, knowledge can be cumulative. The third is to be aware of how quickly knowledge can change.

Knowledge is power. It allows us to make better decisions, and improve our lives. Perfect information would make it easy to make informed decisions. We would always do exactly what we wanted without worrying about whether it was right or wrong.

Knowledge is power, but it can also be cumulative. This means that knowledge is not only powerful, but also cumulative. As time goes on, we become smarter. Knowledge accumulates.

Let's move on to the next point. Although knowledge is cumulative, it doesn’t stay static very long. In fact, knowledge is constantly changing. Scientists learn new facts and theories every day. Every day, scientists discover new facts and theories.

Our culture depends heavily on technology, which makes it possible to have instant access to knowledge. Technology allows you to store massive amounts of data in digital format and share them with millions of people all over the world.

Globalization is changing the way that we view technology. Globalization refers simply to the process by which ideas or products spread beyond borders. Knowledge is now available everywhere because of globalization.

Anyone can access any information on the internet. Anybody can access the internet to read, watch movies, listen and play music, as well as surf the net. All of these activities require knowledge.

Knowledge is becoming more available, but it is also becoming more niche. You can find thousands of websites that offer advice on subjects such as finance, health, business, sports, and travel. These sites provide information on virtually every topic imaginable.

You'll find only a few sites that offer automotive-related services or products if your goal is to purchase a car online. You won't find thousands of websites covering every subject. Instead, you'll only find a handful that deal with cars.

This is because experts can create and share valuable information in their particular fields. Experts often have a deep knowledge of a particular area. Experts have the ability to create high-quality content specifically for their audience.

Because they don't have to look through tons of unimportant information, this is a good thing for consumers. Instead, they can rely on a limited number of websites that offer lots of valuable content.

Experts also benefit from specialization because they can build strong businesses around their expertise. A person buys a book because he expects that the author is knowledgeable enough about his topic to be able to give a concise and clear explanation. He wants to feel confident that the author is able to convey his message.

Experts who do not specialize risk losing potential customers.

There are many areas of expertise. Many of us today are specialists in many areas. One might be an accountant, lawyer, doctor, teacher, or other specialist. It is also possible to be a parent, spouse, friend, or fan.

Experts argue that specialization is so common that it's impossible for one person to be an expert in all aspects of the same thing.

So how can you become an expert across multiple fields? The answer is easy: practice. To learn anything, you have to practice. You can make great progress if you continue to work until people recognize you.

Nowadays, there are entire industries devoted to helping others achieve this goal. There are many courses, workshops, seminars and conferences that teach people how quickly to acquire knowledge.

Who first said that people who don't learn history from the past are stupid?

We all wish to live in a world where everyone learns from the past, but there are more valuable things than learning from our mistakes.

There's no better way to learn to do something right than to experience it wrong.

It is a mistake to not do it correctly the first time.

As long as you keep making improvements, you'll eventually understand why you made those changes.

You may even find that you could do it better the second time.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you should stop trying. That means you've learnt a lot.

It may not always be possible to avoid making errors, but it is possible minimize them. That is what will make the difference in success or failure.

Recognizing your mistakes starts at the beginning. Take a step back and look at your mistakes objectively. Then ask yourself, "What did you learn?"

If you're honest with yourself, you'll realize that your mistakes are just lessons. They can be used as opportunities to grow.

And that's exactly what happened to Thomas Edison. He failed many other times before he inventing the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, he took each failure as an opportunity and improved his design.

Over time, he created the most popular type of lighting available today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your mistakes. Please take advantage of them.

Then, try again.

What are three things that you can learn from the past?

There are many examples in history of how we can learn from our failures. These lessons can be applied today to business problems and used as opportunities for growth.

We have learned from the past that there are always other ways to do things. There are always people out there who think outside the box and take risks that make them stand out.

History also shows us that it's often the underdogs who succeed. So when you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or even lost, look back to those times when the underdog won.

Look to the past and find ways to bring the lessons forward into the future. Learn from the mistakes and successes of others.

These lessons will help improve your success rate.

How to Learn Easily from Human History's Victories and Failures?

You don't have to wait for history to repeat itself. Learning from the mistakes of human past history doesn't require much time. You just need to avoid repeating the mistakes.

Recognize what worked in the past, and use those lessons to improve your business.

This is possible by studying books about leadership and managing strategies as well case studies of successful businesses that have been around for decades.

You can learn from their successes and avoid the pitfalls they fell into.

You can also look at examples of businesses which have been bankrupt. They failed because of this. Are there any common themes among these failures? These insights can help prevent costly mistakes.

Finally, you will find information about some of the most famous historical figures, such as Abraham Lincoln or John D. Rockefeller. Although they had some of most impressive resumes anywhere, none knew how manage people or run businesses. So if you want to learn from their experiences, you need to find out why they made so many mistakes.

The bottom line is that you can learn from the failures and victories of human experience. It is easy to think about the things that worked well in the past today and find ways to make them work for you today.


  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (
  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (
  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (

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How To

Accidental Inventions Lead to Penicillin Discovery

How did penicillin become a reality?

Penicillin was discovered accidentally when Alexander Fleming noticed mold growing on some bacteria cultures he had left out. He believed that mold might kill the bacteria and therefore he attempted to find a solution.

He discovered penicillin kills mold and realized that the new drug could also fight bacteria-related infections. The discovery of penicillin was one of the most significant medical breakthroughs ever. It saved millions of lives, and it changed the course forever of medicine.

Alexander Fleming did not know at first that his discovery would prove so significant. The other person didn't know the same. Penicillin would soon be a powerful antibiotic.

Until after World War II, scientists learned that penicillin worked against bacterial infections. In 1945, the U.S. Army asked Dr. Fleming if he could use penicillin to treat soldiers suffering from wounds infected with deadly germs. Dr. Fleming consented to try.

Penicillin proved to be effective against many kinds of infections. It became a lifesaver for wounded soldiers during World War II. And it helped doctors save countless lives after the war.

Dr. Fleming was not prepared for his discovery to have such profound effects. He wanted to make sure mold wouldn't grow on bacteria cultures that he had previously studied. But he couldn't imagine how this simple experiment would lead to an incredible medical breakthrough.

Truth is that most discoveries every day don’t appear to add up to anything significant. They are experiments performed for no particular reason.

When you look back over history, you see that sometimes those seemingly unimportant experiments can change everything.

Even though they seem to have very little in common, discoveries end up being extremely significant. Penicillin was discovered. Or photography. Or electricity. Or even computers.

Invention does not happen simply because someone thinks up a brilliant idea. It occurs because someone has a problem. Then they experiment to solve their problem.