Scientists Have Just Announced The San Andreas Fault Is About To Do Something Massive

Scientists have just announced the San Andreas fault is about to do something massive. Today, we take a look at scientists just announced about the San Andreas fault.

Earthquakes have always happened, and while for some of us lucky enough to live away from the edges of tectonic plates the horror stories of Earthquakes stay only on the news, for others the damages caused are very real, tangible, and severe. An earthquake happens when the edges of tectonic plates get stuck as a result of friction, there is then a slip on a fault, the fracture between the rocks that let them move relative to one another. These huge events can be catastrophic, and so of course plenty of research has gone into understanding earthquakes: how they happen, what we can do to prepare, and the impact of them.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

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