Secrets of Shepton Mallet - Hidden History of Britain - S01 EP03 - History Documentary

Embark on a journey to unlock the hidden history of Shepton Mallet prison in this captivating episode. Explore the gripping stories of inmates, gain insight from a former prisoner's perspective, and discover the fascinating wartime secret of the Doomsday Book. Join us as we delve into the past, including its role in safeguarding national treasures during World War II and its significance in housing the Magna Carta. Don't miss this in-depth exploration of British crime and punishment.


Delve into the depths of Britain's past, discover its enigmatic facets, and gain a deeper understanding of the rich tapestry that is the history of this remarkable nation. Hidden History of Britain is an engaging documentary series that uncovers the secrets, mysteries, and lesser-known events that have shaped the nation. Through captivating narratives and expert analysis, this show reveals the hidden gems that have left an indelible mark on the country, from mysterious locations like abandoned military facilities to pioneering institutions. Explore the untold and often surprising stories from the annals of British history.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What can we learn from Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln said that he was slow to learn, but quick to forget.

He understood how important it is to keep learning. He also knew that there would come an occasion when he would need the ability to abandon old habits and learn new ones.

The same applies to our businesses. No matter how much we plan for success in the future, there will always be times when we are unable to move forward and end up stuck in a rut.

It is vital to continually learn and develop new skills. Even after we achieve success, it is essential to continue learning.

Lincoln had the right attitude. He recognized that while he could become more effective in his business, he couldn't stop learning.

There are two types of entrepreneurs. There are two types of entrepreneurs: those who keep busy and those who stay sharp.

Those who keep busy are focused on their business' growth. They will be involved in product development, marketing strategies, customer service, or any other daily tasks.

While they might feel that they have made a significant contribution, often they are not. If these entrepreneurs don't focus on being smarter, they will not be able achieve sustainable growth.

What sets successful entrepreneurs apart? The ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

When faced with challenges, successful entrepreneurs always look for ways to improve their existing products or services.

The average businessperson, however, will continue to use outdated methods that don't work. They will not change their ways until they fail.

It is essential to learn both the art of adapting and self-reflection in order for success.

What lessons can history teach us?

We have three lessons from history. First, you must do it yourself when you change the world. You must make sure people are ready to change the way they live. Third, you can't change the past without changing the future.

The first lesson is that you can change the world in two ways. One is fight for it. If you fight for it you lose sight on why you started to fight.

While you cannot control their reactions to your ideas or how they present them, you can influence how they are presented. If you try to convince someone, you will fail. But, if your goal is to inspire someone to act, you'll be successful.

Most great movements began because somebody had an idea and decided to act upon it. No matter whether you are creating change, or reacting to it. Here are three ways you can make your mark: Be clear about the things you want, be honest with where you came from, be courageous enough to go where no other person has gone before, and be clear about who you are.

The second lesson we learn is that everyone has the option to choose. We can either allow our lives to unfold, or choose to create them. This means that it is up to us to decide how we want our lives to be. Do we expect someone else to let us live? Or do we want to take charge of our destiny?

I believe we are living in a golden era. This is a time of great opportunity, which creates a lot excitement. People feel empowered to make their own futures and that's very exciting.

This creates a problem. It's not easy to know what you want or how to get it. Therefore, it is important to identify what you want and then find a way.

Let's suppose you want to buy your first house. Or you could just sit back and wait for someone to give you a gift card to Home Depot. You could also ask yourself "What would you love to do?" Look for a job which allows you to do that. Next, apply for financing.

Let's suppose you want to travel the globe. Now, you might wonder "Where would I like to go?" The next step is to start saving money, research countries online, talk with friends, etc. And finally, you'd book a flight.

Let's assume you didn't really know what you wanted. You would most likely do one of these things. By asking yourself such questions, you increase the likelihood of getting what your heart desires. It may seem odd, but it works.

The third lesson is that regardless of what happens next, there are always ways to improve the future. It's easy. Our choices affect who and what we become.

You can learn from the mistakes and successes of others and continue to improve until you achieve your goals.

If you don’t feel you have any value to the world, you are already behind. You must believe in yourself and that you are more than you believed.

Don't worry if you don't know where you should start. Start small and move on. Take stock of the lessons you've learned in your entire life. What are you most proud of? Which areas have you excelled? How have you overcome obstacles?

Last but not least, remember that no one can stop you from reaching your full potential. No matter what anyone may say, you can do whatever you want.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing will be successful unless you do."

Can learning about history stop us from repeating past mistakes?

Because we make the same mistakes over and over again, history repeats itself. We fail to learn from the mistakes we make. We don't change. We get complacent. We settle to mediocrity.

Because we continue to believe the same old stories, history repeats itself. Our world is conditioned to believe there are immutable laws and fixed truths. That we cannot do anything to affect them.

This prevents us thinking critically. The ability to question authority. From challenging assumptions. We don't grow if we don’t question. And when we don't grow, we stagnate. When we stagnate we make the same mistakes again and again.

Because we make the same mistakes, history doesn't have to repeat itself. History repeats itself because we don't learn from our errors and keep making the same mistakes.

You can break the cycle of history repetition by changing how you look at the world and yourself, by understanding that nothing is set in stone. Everything is subject to constant flux. Everything is in constant flux.

Accepting uncertainty is the key to breaking this cycle. To accept that things could go wrong. To accept that we may not succeed. Accept that failure may be possible.

Accept that your goals may not be achieved. But to accept that, you should strive to improve anyway.

If you hold fast to certainty, you'll always be stuck in the past. If you believe there are only certain truths, it will be impossible to move forward.

You must let go if you want to be free. You can't control progress unless you let go.

How to Learn from the Mistakes and Victories of Human History.

You don't need to wait for history repeats itself. Learning from the mistakes of human past history doesn't require much time. Be sure to not repeat the mistakes!

Recognize what worked in the past, and use those lessons to improve your business.

This can be accomplished by reading books and case studies about successful companies over the years.

You will be able to learn from their success stories and avoid the same mistakes they made.

You can also find examples of businesses that went bankrupt. What made them fail? What are the common threads among these failures. These insights will allow you to avoid costly errors.

You can also read about historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, John D. Rockefeller and Steve Jobs. While they may have had the best resumes in the history of the world, few knew how to manage people and run a business. Learn from their mistakes to help you make better decisions.

Learning from human history's mistakes and victories is simple. It is easy to think about the things that worked well in the past today and find ways to make them work for you today.


  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (
  • According to the Washington Post, Coming back to babies' mailing, the most extended trip taken by a “mailed” child happened to be in 1915. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (
  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (

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How To

What can humankind learn by the past mistakes of its ancestors?

We've been here before. It's okay to learn from history. It may even help humanity survive another crisis.

It's possible to survive if we remain open-minded and continue to learn from our mistakes.

It is difficult to learn from the past, and to accept that our human nature hasn’t changed significantly since the beginning.

Although there is a lot to be learned from the old ways, we often ignore them as they are inconsistent with our beliefs. Instead of accepting changes that we find difficult, instead we hold on to what is familiar.

However, the world changes constantly and so does the way we live together. The environment we live in is getting more complicated, which means that there are more problems to be solved.

That means we need to change too. We are more vulnerable to failure if we can't rely on the strategies that have worked in the past.

If we do this, we lose sight and succumb to our habits.

Our brains have evolved to adapt to environments that were thousands of years old. These days aren’t over forever.

The future doesn't seem set in stone. There is always room for improvement.

Humans can still accomplish great feats. Amazing technologies can be created. To explore unknown frontiers.

But we choose to be limited. To fear the future. To reject evolution. To think that what worked yesterday will still work tomorrow.

Some people try to fight this trend. They view themselves as rebels against the status quo. Fighting against the system. Against the system.

They see themselves as rebels who take pride in defying convention. They challenge the conventions of society.

They resist rules and regulations. They hate conformity. They don’t care about social expectations. They think they know better than everyone else.

To them, I say "Good Luck!"

You will need it!

Because you are facing an uphill battle. The forces driving mainstream society are strong.

In many places around the globe, the majority has no interest in listening to you. No interest in listening to your point.

It doesn't matter if you're brilliant or well-intentioned. Your ideas might not resonate with the masses.

Your message could fall on deaf ears. You'll need to learn strange lessons from history.

Because that's where the real power is. You can make a real difference here.

This is where you can inspire others. These are the places where you can make a difference and transform the world.

So let me ask you something. Are you willing to live up to the expectations of others? Or would you prefer to set your own course?