Surviving the Graveyard of the Pacific - Deadly Crossing - 0 EP0 - Maritime Documentary

Join Captain Kurt Nearing as he faces fierce winds and towering waves in this gripping episode of Deadly Crossing. Watch as he battles the treacherous Columbia River Bar to board a massive freighter amidst a raging storm. Witness the high-stakes drama of keeping the trade route open in one of the world's deadliest stretches of water.


Venture into the heart of danger on Deadly Crossing, where brave sea captains navigate the treacherous Graveyard of the Pacific to safeguard a billion-dollar trade route. Witness their relentless 15-day journey, battling towering waves and lethal currents, all while executing life-and-death boarding manoeuvres by pilot boat or helicopter.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What can we learn from Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln said, "I am slow to learn; very quick to forget."

He knew how important it was to keep learning because he understood that there would come a time when he would need to unlearn old habits and embrace new ones.

The same goes for businesses. We will hit roadblocks sometimes, and get stuck in unproductive ruts no matter how many times we plan for our success.

It is vital to continually learn and develop new skills. Even after we achieve success, it is essential to continue learning.

Lincoln had the right attitude. He realized that he could not stop learning, even though he was able to be more productive in his business.

There are two types entrepreneur. There are two types: those who stay active and those who stay informed.

Those who stay active focus on growing their business. They focus on customer service and marketing strategies.

While they may feel they have accomplished something worthwhile, many times they don't. Entrepreneurs who aren't focused on learning more won't see sustainable growth.

What sets successful entrepreneurs apart from ordinary ones? The ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

Successful entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to improve the products and services they offer when faced with difficulties.

However, most entrepreneurs stick to old-fashioned methods that no longer work. They won't change until their business is destroyed.

It is essential to learn both the art of adapting and self-reflection in order for success.

What can we learn from our mistakes?

Make mistakes, but don't fret about them. It's a learning experience that will help you to improve your skills. You can always learn from your mistakes. So don't sweat the small stuff because there's nothing wrong with making mistakes. We all make mistakes.

Although you might feel embarrassed by a mistake you made, it doesn’t matter how bad you feel. It's how you deal with your mistakes that matters most. You will let your mistakes bother you. However, if they are seen as opportunities for growth you will come out the other side stronger.

The best way to overcome a mistake is to acknowledge and move past it. Do not dwell on it. Instead, look ahead to the next step. Keep moving.

Do not obsess about your mistakes. Instead, learn from your mistakes and look for ways you can improve. Learn from your mistakes, and you will be a better person tomorrow.

Successful Inventions Made from Accident

Inventors make errors. However, how we react to these mistakes will determine whether or not our inventions are great successes.

There are no accidental inventions. Every single invention was made intentionally. There are no accidental inventions.

A deliberate act of invention is called an invention. A deliberate decision to create something new. Something that solves a problem. Someone's quality of life will be improved.

Understanding that mistakes are not inevitable is the key to invention success. So, instead of avoiding mistakes, focus on learning from them.

As much as we would love to say that invention is easy, it isn't. Invention takes persistence and hard work. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

This means that you need to spend lots of time thinking about solutions and ideas. What are people interested in? What do they really need?

You need to ask these questions. These questions will help guide you in deciding what kind of product/service you should develop next.

This requires you to let go of any preconceived notions. Don't make assumptions about what people want or need. You must listen to your customers and potential clients.

Learn what they really want. Not what they tell you they want.

Once you have figured out their needs, you need to find a way to make it happen. Here's where invention really begins.

What are three things you can learn from history?

History is filled with examples of how mistakes can be learned from. They can be applied to current business challenges, and transformed into opportunities for growth.

The past teaches us there is always another way. There are always people out there who think outside the box and take risks that make them stand out.

History also shows that sometimes it's the underdogs who triumph. Look back at the times when an underdog won.

You can learn from the past, and bring those lessons into the future. Learn from others' successes and failures.

These lessons will help improve your success rate.

What is the greatest thing about history?

This question has many facets. When thinking about learning, there are three key points you should consider. We must first realize that knowledge is power. We must also recognize the fact that knowledge is cumulative. Third, it is important to recognize how rapidly knowledge changes.

Knowledge is power. It empowers us to make better choices and improve our lives. If we had all the information, it wouldn't be difficult to make decisions. We'd do what we want, without worrying about whether it was correct or not.

However, while knowledge is power, it is also cumulative. This means that once we've learned something, we continue to add more knowledge to our brains. As time passes, we become smarter and smarter. Knowledge accumulates.

Let's now turn our attention to the third. Knowledge isn't static. Information is constantly changing. Scientists are constantly discovering new facts, theories, or ways to think. There are always new discoveries.

Our culture is dependent on technology that allows us instant access to information. It is possible to store large amounts of data digitally and share it with millions of people around the world.

Globalization has influenced the way we look at knowledge, in addition to technology. Globalization refers simply to the process by which ideas or products spread beyond borders. Knowledge is now easily accessible all over the world because of globalization.

Anyone can access any information on the internet. Anybody can access the internet to read, watch movies, listen and play music, as well as surf the net. All of these activities require knowledge.

Although knowledge is becoming easier to access, it is also becoming more specific. There are hundreds of thousands upon thousands of websites today offering advice on topics like health, finance and business, as well as sports, travel, and cooking. These sites have information on every topic.

There are likely to be only a few websites offering automotive-related products or services if you try to search the internet for a car. You won't find thousands of websites covering every subject. Instead, you'll only find a handful that deal with cars.

Experts in specific fields are able to create and share valuable knowledge. Experts often have deep knowledge of a field. Experts have the ability to create high-quality content specifically for their audience.

This is great news for consumers as they no longer have to search through a lot of useless information. Instead, consumers can narrow their search to a select few websites that contain lots of useful information.

Experts also have the advantage of specialization. They can build strong businesses around this expertise. A person buys a book because he expects that the author is knowledgeable enough about his topic to be able to give a concise and clear explanation. He wants to be confident that the author understands his message.

If an expert does not specialize, he risks losing out on potential customers who expect him to be knowledgeable.

The scope of specialization doesn't stop at one area. Most people are experts in multiple areas today. We might be an accountant, a lawyer, a doctor, or a teacher. It is also possible to be a parent, spouse, friend, or fan.

Experts agree that it is impossible to succeed in one area without being skilled in another.

How can you become an expert in multiple fields? The answer is easy: practice. You've got to put in the hours necessary to learn something. Once you've made progress, keep going until people are able to recognize your knowledge.

There are many industries that help others achieve this goal. People can quickly learn through courses, workshops seminars, conferences, schools and other venues.


  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (
  • The classic clown stylings we know today have specific origins, according to u/Bodark34. (
  • According to the Washington Post, Coming back to babies' mailing, the most extended trip taken by a “mailed” child happened to be in 1915. (
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (

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How To

What can humanity learn from our ancestors' past mistakes?

We've been there before and we'll likely be back. Learning from history is a good thing. It could even help humanity get through another crisis.

Keep an open mind, look for lessons that can help you move forward. We may be able to make it.

The problem is when people fail to learn and refuse to recognize that humanity hasn't changed much from its beginning.

The wisdom of the old ways is vast, but we tend not to pay attention because they contradict our beliefs. Instead of accepting changes that we find difficult, instead we hold on to what is familiar.

But the world changes and our relationship with it is changing. Our environment is becoming more complex. We have more problems.

We must change. We are more vulnerable to failure if we can't rely on the strategies that have worked in the past.

When we do that, we lose sight of our values and become slaves to our habits.

Our brains have evolved to adapt to environments that were thousands of years old. But those days aren't gone forever.

The future isn't written in stone. There are still many areas for improvement.

Humans still have the ability to accomplish amazing feats. Amazing technologies can be created. To uncover new frontiers.

But we choose to be limited. To fear evolution. To reject evolution. To believe that what worked yesterday can work tomorrow.

This trend is being fought by some people. They see themselves as warriors against the status quo. Fighting against the establishment. Oppose the system.

They see themselves as rebels who love to defy convention. Who challenge the norms and conventions of society.

They resist rules and regulations. They are against conformity. They don't care about social expectations. They believe they know best than everyone else.

To these people, I say good luck!

You're going to need it!

Because it's a tough battle. These forces are strong and drive mainstream society.

There are many places on the planet where the majority is not interested in you speaking. There is no interest in your point of view.

It doesn't matter if you're brilliant or well-intentioned. Your ideas might not catch on with the masses.

Your message could be lost on the ears of deaf people. That's precisely why you'll need strange lessons from the past.

Because that's where the real power is. This is where the real power lies.

This is where you can inspire others. Where you can build movements that transform societies.

Let me ask you a question. Do you wish to live upto other people's expectations or do you prefer to create your own path? Or, would you rather choose to create your own path?