The Great Earthquake of 1755 – Lisbon's Nightmare | Documentary

The great Lisbon earthquake of 1755 was the first great natural disaster to strike the heart of a large European city.

The 1755 Lisbon earthquake, also known as the Great Lisbon Earthquake, was a devastating natural disaster that occurred on November 1, 1755 at around 9:40 am. The earthquake, which had an estimated magnitude of 8.5-9.0 on the Richter scale, caused widespread destruction in Lisbon, Portugal, and triggered a tsunami. The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the Atlantic Ocean, about 200 miles west of Lisbon.

The earthquake and tsunami resulted in the deaths of an estimated 60,000-100,000 people, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in history. The destruction caused by the earthquake and tsunami was so severe that it greatly impacted the city and the country as a whole, both economically and socially. The majority of the city was destroyed, including most of the buildings, churches, and palaces. The tsunami that followed the earthquake caused further damage along the coast and in the harbor, sinking ships and flooding the streets. The disaster also caused a fire that burned for several days, which added to the destruction.

The earthquake also had far-reaching effects, as it was felt as far as Finland, and it caused changes in the water levels of wells in the Azores. The disaster caused a fundamental shift in the way people thought about natural disasters and the role of God in them. It also had a significant impact on the field of seismology and the study of earthquakes.

The reconstruction of Lisbon took many years, but the city was eventually rebuilt with new buildings and infrastructure. The disaster also led to the creation of new institutions, such as the Royal Lisbon Hospital, which was built to provide care for the survivors of the disaster.

The 1755 Lisbon earthquake remains one of the most studied and remembered natural disaster in history, both for the scale of destruction and its impact on society, philosophy and science.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can learning about history stop us from repeating past mistakes?

Because we make the same mistakes over and over again, history repeats itself. We fail to learn from the mistakes we make. We don't change. We become complacent. We settle for mediocrity.

The same old stories are what repeat history. Our culture has conditioned us to believe there is an immutable law and a fixed truth. That we cannot do anything to affect them.

This makes it difficult to think critically. From questioning authority. To challenge assumptions. We don't grow if we don’t question. If we don't grow we stagnate. We repeat the same mistakes when we stagnate.

History doesn't repeat itself, because we continue to make the same mistakes. We don't learn from our mistakes, and we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

You can break the cycle of history repetition by changing how you look at the world and yourself, by understanding that nothing is set in stone. Nothing is fixed. Everything is subject to constant flux.

Accepting uncertainty is the key to breaking this cycle. Accept that things might go wrong. Accept that failure is possible. Accept that failure may be possible.

Accept that your goals may not be achieved. But to accept that, you should strive to improve anyway.

To hold on to the past is to be certain. If you believe there are only certain truths, it will be impossible to move forward.

If you want freedom, you have to let go. If you want progress, you need to let go of control.

What are some lessons learned from history?

Three lessons can be learned from history. To change the world, you have to do it all yourself. The second is to ensure that people are ready to accept change in their lives. The third thing you must do to improve the future is to first change how people live.

The first lesson is that you can change the world in two ways. The first is to fight for it. The second is to make it happen. You can lose sight of the reason you started fighting.

You can't control how people react to your ideas, but you can control how you present them. If you try and convince someone to do something, it will be a failure. But if you set out to inspire someone to action, you'll succeed.

Great movements were born out of an idea that was realized and then taken action. No matter whether you are creating change, or reacting to it. Here are three ways you can make your mark: Be clear about the things you want, be honest with where you came from, be courageous enough to go where no other person has gone before, and be clear about who you are.

The second lesson is that each of us has a choice. We can either wait for our lives to happen to us, or we can choose to make them happen. This means that it is up to us to decide how we want our lives to be. Are we willing to wait for someone to allow us to live? Or do you want to be in control of your destiny?

I believe we are living in a golden era. There are more possibilities than ever before, which has created a lot of excitement. It's exciting to see people feel empowered to shape their future.

It can also cause problems. It is essential to determine what you want, and how you can get it.

Let's take, for example, the desire to purchase a house. You could sit back and hope someone gives you a gift certificate to Home Depot. You could also think about what you would love to do. You can then search for a job where you can do it. Then, you can apply for financing.

Let's suppose you want to travel the globe. Now, you might wonder "Where would I like to go?" Next, you might start saving money, looking up countries online, and talking to your friends. The final step is to book a flight.

Let's say that you don't have a clear idea of what you want. You'd likely end up doing one of these things anyway. By asking yourself such questions, you increase the likelihood of getting what your heart desires. It may seem odd, but it works.

The third lesson is that you can always improve your future no matter what happens. This is because it's simple. Your choices influence who you are and what you become.

It is important to take inspiration from past experiences, learn from mistakes and succeed until you are successful.

You're already behind if you don't think you have anything to offer the world. You have to believe in yourself.

If you don't know where to begin, start with what you know. Start small and then build on it. Look back at the things you've done throughout your lifetime. What have you failed to do? Which areas have you excelled? How did you overcome your obstacles?

Don't forget to remember that only you can limit your potential. No matter what anyone may say, you can do whatever you want.

Benjamin Franklin wrote, "Nothing works unless you do."

What do our mistakes show us?

Do not worry too much about making mistakes. This means that you will learn something. You can also learn from your mistakes. So don't sweat the small stuff because there's nothing wrong with making mistakes. We all make mistakes.

You might feel embarrassed if you've made a mistake, but it doesn't matter whether you feel bad. It is how you deal and learn from your mistakes that matters the most. If you let them bother you, they'll eat away at you inside. If you look at them as opportunities for growth, they'll make you stronger.

It is important to recognize and learn from your mistakes. Do not dwell on it. Instead, look ahead to the next step. Keep moving.

Don't dwell on your mistakes. Instead, try to find ways to improve. Learn from your mistakes and become better tomorrow.

Successful Inventions made by accident

Inventors make errors. But how we respond to those mistakes determines whether our inventions become great successes or failures.

When it comes to invention, there are no accidents. Every invention was designed. There are no accidental inventions.

An invention can be described as a deliberate act. An intention to create something. Something that solves an issue. You can make someone's life easier.

To be successful inventing is to understand that nothing happens by chance. Instead of trying to avoid making mistakes, learn from them.

Although it would be nice to think that invention is easy, it's not. Invention is hard work. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

It means you have to spend a lot more time thinking about and trying out different ideas. What is the most important thing for people? What do they really need?

Ask yourself these questions. These questions will help determine what product or service you should create next.

You must let go of all preconceived notions. Don't make assumptions about what people want or need. You need to pay attention to the needs of your potential customers and customers.

You have to learn what they want. Not what they tell themselves they want.

Once you have identified what they want, the next step is to design a way that you can give it to them. Here's where invention really begins.

What is the most important lesson you can learn from history?

This question is not easy to answer. There are three things to keep in mind when learning. First, knowledge is power. Second, we must recognize that knowledge is cumulative. We must also be able to appreciate the speed at which knowledge can change.

Knowledge is power. This empowers us with the knowledge we need to make better decisions and live better lives. If we had all the information, it wouldn't be difficult to make decisions. We would do exactly what we wanted, regardless of whether it was right and wrong.

Knowledge is not just power; it's also cumulative. This means that once we've learned something, we continue to add more knowledge to our brains. As time passes, we become smarter and smarter. Knowledge accumulates.

Let's now move on to the third point. Knowledge is not static. Knowledge is ever-changing. Scientists learn new facts and theories every day. Each day new discoveries are made.

Technology allows us to quickly access knowledge, and is crucial for our culture. Technology allows you to store massive amounts of data in digital format and share them with millions of people all over the world.

Globalization has transformed the way we see technology and knowledge. Globalization is the process by which ideas and products spread across borders. Knowledge is now easily accessible all over the world because of globalization.

The internet enables anyone to access information anywhere in the world. You can watch movies, browse the internet, listen or play music and read books. All these activities require knowledge.

Knowledge is becoming more available, but it is also becoming more niche. You can find thousands of websites that offer advice on subjects such as finance, health, business, sports, and travel. These websites provide information on just about every topic.

If you want to buy a car online, however, you will likely only find a few dozen websites that provide automotive-related services. Instead of thousands of sites covering every possible topic, there will be only a handful of sites that are focused on cars.

This specialization is because experts in particular fields can create and distribute valuable knowledge. Experts often have deep knowledge of a field. Experts have the ability to create high-quality content specifically for their audience.

Because consumers don't need to scroll through endless amounts of information, they can focus on a specific niche. Instead, consumers can narrow their search to a select few websites that contain lots of useful information.

Experts can also benefit from specialization as they are able to build strong businesses around what they know. He expects the author of a book to have a thorough knowledge of his subject to provide a clear and concise explanation. He wants to be confident that the author understands his message.

Experts that aren't specialists risk losing potential clients who expect them to be experts.

Specialization isn't limited to just one area. Today, most of us are specialists in many different areas. It could be that we are an accountant, a lawyer or a doctor. Or a teacher. However, we are likely to be parents, spouses, friends and fans.

Experts say it is common to specialize.

How can you become an expert in multiple fields? The simple answer is practice. You've got to put in the hours necessary to learn something. And when you make progress, you keep going until you reach a level where people recognize your expertise.

There are many industries that help others achieve this goal. Many courses, workshops and seminars, as well as schools, teach how to quickly gain knowledge.


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What You Can Learn From Nintendo’s Weird And Wonderful 125 Year History

Fusajiro Youchi of Kyoto, Japan founded Nintendo 1889. Its headquarters were moved to Osaka in 1933 and Honshu in 1945. Nintendo created its own internet service provider, "NIC", in 1996. In 2001, Nintendo Co., Ltd. became the name of this company.

The Wii was the first console that Nintendo launched in 2004. It was a huge success. The Wii's motion sensor technology was used and it also had the Gamecube controller. Nintendo has released many titles since then, including Mario and Zelda.

2002 was the year that GameCube's console was released. It was the successor the GameBoy Advance. The GameCube Controller had two analog sticks, four buttons and was identical to the Gameboy Color. The Nintendo DS came out in 2004. It featured a touchscreen interface and a stylus. There were three versions: one that had a builtin camera, another with no built-in cameras, and a third that had a builtin camera but no stylus. The Nintendo DS Lite launched in 2005. The original Nintendo DS Lite had a larger display. The Nintendo 3DS was released in 2011. It has 3D graphics. Each month, a new game is included in the system. They also release 2D versions some of their 3D titles.

Nintendo has also produced several handheld consoles such as the Super NES, SNES Classic Edition, N64, Game Boy Micro, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Advance, GBA SP, Nintendo DSi XL, Nintendo 3DS XL, and most recently, the Nintendo Switch.

There are many controllers that Nintendo makes. These include the GameCube Controller (pictured), the Wii Remote, Wii U Pro Controller (pictured), and the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con.

Many famous Nintendo characters are represented by Nintendo. Mario, Yoshi. Link, Samus Arran, Pikachu. Wario. Bowser. Kirby.

Mario is well-known for his mustache and hat. He also wears overalls. When he plays, he uses sunglasses.

Luigi is known for his mustache and his cap. He can be seen wearing overalls, a yellow shirt, red shirt or a blue shirt. When he plays tennis, he wears glasses. His hair is messy all the time.

Yoshi is known to have a mustache. He wears overalls and a green shirt. While playing tennis, he uses glasses.

Peach is famous for her peach dress. Her hat, necklace, parasol, umbrella, handbag and slippers are all her trademarks.

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