The Most Dangerous Islands in the World

Islands are supposed to be sunny, peaceful, and warm - exotic locales where you spend time on the beach, maybe do a bit of snorkeling, and even enjoy a few fruity drinks. Except sometimes, none of that happens.

The world sports many deceptively beautiful islands, ones that look pleasant but are actually terrifying. From former nuclear test sites to places that are home to deadly creatures, these scary isles have more going on than we realized. And we wanted to know more.

We found out what people who've been to 10 of the most dangerous islands in the world said about them, and were left ready to just stay home. Vote up the islands you will most definitely take a hard pass on, too.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can we learn about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln said, "I am slow to learn; very quick to forget."

He understood how important it is to keep learning. He also knew that there would come an occasion when he would need the ability to abandon old habits and learn new ones.

The same applies to our businesses. No matter how meticulously we plan for success and what our goals are, there will be moments when we get stuck in a rut.

It is vital to continually learn and develop new skills. Even after we achieve success, it is essential to continue learning.

Lincoln was a good example of the right attitude. He understood that his business could be more successful, but he couldn’t afford to stop learning.

There are two types: entrepreneurs. Those who stay busy and those who stay smart.

Those who stay busy focus solely on growing their business. They are involved in marketing strategies, product development, customer support, and other tasks every day.

While they may feel they have accomplished something worthwhile, many times they don't. These entrepreneurs will not achieve sustainable growth unless they are focused on becoming smarter.

What separates successful entrepreneurs from average ones? You are able to adapt quickly to changing conditions.

Entrepreneurs who are successful find ways to improve their products and services when they face challenges.

However, most entrepreneurs stick to old-fashioned methods that no longer work. They won't change until their business is destroyed.

You must be able to master both self-reflection and adaptation in order to succeed.

Can learning about history stop us from repeating past mistakes?

History repeats itself, because we continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly. We do not learn from our failures. We don't change. We become complacent. We settle for mediocrity.

Because we continue to believe the same old stories, history repeats itself. We live in a world where we've been conditioned to believe that there are fixed truths and immutable laws. They are immutable laws and truths that we can't change.

This keeps us from being able to think critically. It prevents us from questioning authority. From challenging assumptions. We don't grow if we don’t question. If we don't grow we stagnate. We repeat the same mistakes when we stagnate.

History doesn't repeat itself, because we continue to make the same mistakes. History repeats because we refuse lessons from our mistakes and continue making them over and again.

Change your perception of the world and yourself to stop the cycle. Everything is subject to constant flux. Everything is subject to constant flux.

The key to breaking the cycle of uncertainty is acceptance. Accepting the possibility of things going wrong. To accept the possibility of failure. Accept that failure is possible.

Accept that you may not achieve your goals. Acceptance of this fact is okay. But, don't let it stop you from striving to improve.

You will always remain stuck in the past if you hold on to certainty. You'll never move forward if you cling to the idea that there are fixed truths.

To achieve freedom, you must be open to change. You must let go of control if you want to move forward.

What is the most valuable thing that you have learned in history?

This question has many facets. There are three things to keep in mind when learning. First, we must realize that knowledge is power. Second, knowledge is cumulative. Third, it is important to recognize how rapidly knowledge changes.

Knowledge is power. It allows us to make better decisions, and improve our lives. If we had all the information, it wouldn't be difficult to make decisions. We would do exactly what we wanted, regardless of whether it was right and wrong.

Knowledge, although it is power, is also cumulative. This means that knowledge is not only powerful, but also cumulative. As we get smarter, our brains become more sophisticated. Knowledge accumulates.

Now, let's look at the third point. While knowledge is cumulative, it doesn't stay static for very long. Information is constantly changing. Every day scientists discover new facts, theories, ways of thinking. Every day, new discoveries are made.

Technology allows us to quickly access knowledge, and is crucial for our culture. Technology allows us to store huge amounts of data electronically and share it with millions around the globe.

In addition to technology, globalization has changed the way we view knowledge. Globalization refers to the spread of ideas and products across borders. Knowledge is now available everywhere because of globalization.

Internet access allows anyone to find information from any part of the world. Everybody can read books and watch movies. They can also listen to music, play games, or surf the internet. All of these activities require knowledge.

Although knowledge is becoming easier to access, it is also becoming more specific. There are hundreds of thousands upon thousands of websites today offering advice on topics like health, finance and business, as well as sports, travel, and cooking. These websites offer information on almost every topic you can think of.

You'll find only a few sites that offer automotive-related services or products if your goal is to purchase a car online. Instead of thousands of sites covering every possible topic, there will be only a handful of sites that are focused on cars.

Experts in specific fields are able to create and share valuable knowledge. Experts are often experts in a specific field. Experts can also produce content of high quality that is targeted to their particular audience.

Because consumers don't need to scroll through endless amounts of information, they can focus on a specific niche. Instead, they can rely on a limited number of websites that offer lots of valuable content.

Experts also gain from specialization, as they can create strong businesses around the expertise that they have. If someone purchases a book, they expect the author to be an expert in his field and to present a clear and concise explanation. He wants to be confident that the author understands his message.

Experts that aren't specialists risk losing potential clients who expect them to be experts.

There are many areas of expertise. Many of us today are specialists in many areas. One might be an accountant, lawyer, doctor, teacher, or other specialist. But we're also likely to be a parent, spouses, friends, and fans.

Experts argue that specialization is so common that it's impossible for one person to be an expert in all aspects of the same thing.

So how can you become an expert across multiple fields? The simple answer is practice. It's necessary to work hard to learn. When you start to make progress, it's important to keep going until your skills are recognized by others.

There are whole industries dedicated to helping others reach this goal. Many courses, workshops and seminars, as well as schools, teach how to quickly gain knowledge.

What are some lessons learned from history?

Three lessons can be learned from history. To change the world, you have to do it all yourself. It is important to make sure that people are prepared for change when you try to improve their lives. The third thing you must do to improve the future is to first change how people live.

The first lesson we can learn is that there are only two ways to transform the world. One is to fight for it; the other is to create it. If you fight for it you lose sight on why you started to fight.

While you cannot control their reactions to your ideas or how they present them, you can influence how they are presented. If you try to convince someone, you will fail. But, if your goal is to inspire someone to act, you'll be successful.

The idea of a great movement was born when someone had it and took action. No matter whether you are creating change, or reacting to it. Here are three ways you can make your mark: Be clear about the things you want, be honest with where you came from, be courageous enough to go where no other person has gone before, and be clear about who you are.

Second, we have the ability to choose. We can either wait for our lives to happen to us, or we can choose to make them happen. We must choose the kind of life that we want. Are we content to wait for someone else's approval to let us live? Or do we want to take charge of our destiny?

We are living in a golden age, I would argue. This is a time of great opportunity, which creates a lot excitement. People feel empowered to create their futures, and that's exciting.

This creates a problem. It's not easy to know what you want or how to get it. Therefore, it is important to identify what you want and then find a way.

Let's suppose you want to buy your first house. You could relax and hope that someone will give you a gift voucher to Home Depot. Or, you can ask yourself, "What do I love to be doing?" Find a job that will allow you to do it. Apply for financing.

Let's suppose you want to travel the globe. You might ask yourself, "Where do I want to go?" The next step is to start saving money, research countries online, talk with friends, etc. Then, you book a trip.

Let's pretend you didn’t know what your goal was. In that case, you'd probably end up doing one of those things anyway. This is how you can increase your chances for getting what you want. It may seem odd, but it works.

The third lesson is that regardless of what happens next, there are always ways to improve the future. It is very simple. Our choices affect who and what we become.

Use history to your advantage, to learn from other people's failures and successes and to keep improving until success.

If you don’t believe that you have anything to contribute, then you are already behind. You must believe you are better than you think you are.

You don't need to know everything in order to start. Start small and then build on it. Look back at the things you've done throughout your lifetime. What have you failed at? What were your successes? What were your greatest achievements?

Finally, remember that the only person who can limit your potential is you. No matter what anyone says, you can do anything you put your mind to.

Benjamin Franklin once said that "Nothing will work without you."


  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (
  • According to Smithsonian, mailing young James Beagle through postage cost only 15 cents, although his parents paid him $50. (
  • The classic clown stylings we know today have specific origins, according to u/Bodark34. (
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (

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How To

What You Can Take From Nintendo's Weirdly Wonderful 125 Years

Nintendo was founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi in Kyoto, Japan. In 1933, the headquarters moved to Osaka and Honshu respectively. In 1996, Nintendo started its internet service provider called "NIC" (the Internet Corporation of Japan). In 2001, Nintendo Co., Ltd. became the name of this company.

In 2004, Nintendo introduced its first Wii console. This console was very popular. The Wii used motion sensing technology, and the Gamecube controller. Nintendo has since released many games including Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon.

The GameCube console was released in 2002. It was the successor console to the GameBoy Advance. The GameCube Controller had two analog sticks, four buttons and was identical to the Gameboy Color. In 2004, the Nintendo DS was launched. The touchscreen interface was complemented by a stylus. There were three models available: one model had a builtin cam, another did not have one and the third featured a builtin stylus but no camera. The Nintendo DS Lite launched in 2005. It came with a smaller display than the original Nintendo DS. The Nintendo 3DS was launched in 2011. It boasts 3D graphics. Each month, a different game is added to the system. They also produce 2D versions for some of their 3D-games.

Nintendo has produced several handheld consoles including the Super NES Classic Edition, SNES Classic Edition, N64 and Game Boy Micro.

Nintendo has made many types controllers. These controllers include the GameCube, Wii Remote, Wii U Pro Controller and the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con.

Nintendo has many famous characters. Mario, Yoshi, Link and Pikachu are some of these characters.

Mario is well-known for his mustache and hat. He also wears overalls. He wears sunglasses when he plays tennis.

Luigi is best known for his mustache. He wears overalls, a green shirt, a red shirt, a blue shirt, a green shirt, an orange shirt, a white shirt, a blue shirt, and a red shirt. He wears glasses while playing tennis. His hair is always messy.

Yoshi is known to have a mustache. He is a casual wearer of overalls and a shirt in green. He uses glasses to play tennis.

Peach is famous because of her peach dress, necklace and parasol.