The Shocking Story Of The Surgery That Killed Kanye Wests Mother | Our History

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"The mother of megastar Kanye West, Donda West went from modest beginnings. She raised her son to be one of the biggest rappers in the world, and as his manager, became a regular attendee at the brightest parties in showbiz. In doing so, she broke every stereotype about single black women raising black sons. On the 10th of November 2007, Donda West died 24 hours after cosmetic surgery, aged just 58. Kanye West blamed the fatal attraction of stardom, saying 'I feel sometimes like if me and my mom never moved to Hollywood that she'd still be here.' Using information revealed in Donda's autopsy report and interviews with those who cared for before she died, Dr Michael Hunter investigates her tragic and untimely death: 'Donda's surgery seemed to go well, so the big mystery is why did she die suddenly, just 24 hours later?'

This film was first broadcast: 20 Feb 2016

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can our failures teach us?

You can learn from your mistakes. You'll learn something. You can always learn from your mistakes. You shouldn't stress about the small details. They happen to all of us.

While it's possible to feel embarrassed when you make a mistake, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should feel bad. How you handle your mistakes is what matters most. You will let your mistakes bother you. But if you view them as opportunities for growth, you'll come out stronger on the other side.

The best way to overcome a mistake is to acknowledge and move past it. You don't need to dwell on it. Instead, you should focus on the next step. Keep moving.

Don't obsess over your mistakes. Instead, focus on your strengths and work towards improving yourself. Learn from your mistakes to improve your future.

Successful Inventions Made by Accident

Inventors are human. However, the way we react to those errors will determine whether our inventions turn out to be great successes or failures.

When it comes to invention, there are no accidents. Every invention was designed. There are no accidental inventions.

An invention is a deliberate act. An intentional decision to create something new. Something that solves an issue. Someone's quality of life will be improved.

To be successful inventing is to understand that nothing happens by chance. So, instead of avoiding mistakes, focus on learning from them.

Although it would be nice to think that invention is easy, it's not. Invention requires hard work and persistence. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

This means that you need to spend lots of time thinking about solutions and ideas. What is the most important thing for people? What do they require?

Ask yourself these questions. These questions will help determine what product or service you should create next.

You must let go of all preconceived notions. Preconceived notions about what the world needs or wants are not valid. You must listen to your customers and potential clients.

It is important to find out what your clients want. Not what they tell themselves they want.

Once you have identified what they want, the next step is to design a way that you can give it to them. This is where invention comes in.

What can we learn by Abraham Lincoln's example?

Abraham Lincoln once said, "I am slow learning; very quick forgetting."

He understood the importance of learning and knew that he would eventually need to let go of old habits in order to embrace new ones.

The same applies to our businesses. No matter how hard we plan for success there will be times where we run into roadblocks that cause us to get stuck in a rut.

That's why it's crucial to seek new ways to grow and evolve constantly. If we do nothing else, we must continue to learn, even after we reach the pinnacle of success.

Lincoln was a good example of the right attitude. He recognized that while he could become more effective in his business, he couldn't stop learning.

There are two types entrepreneurs. Two types of entrepreneurs exist: those who stay busy and those with smart ideas.

Those who stay busy focus solely on growing their business. They spend their time on product development and marketing, as well as customer service.

While they might feel that they have made a significant contribution, often they are not. These entrepreneurs will not achieve sustainable growth unless they are focused on becoming smarter.

What sets successful entrepreneurs apart from ordinary ones? The ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

Entrepreneurs who are successful find ways to improve their products and services when they face challenges.

The average businessperson, however, will continue to use outdated methods that don't work. They are unwilling to change their course of action until their business collapses.

For success, you need to be skilled in both adaptation and self-reflection.

What is the most important lesson you can learn from history?

This question has many facets. When thinking about learning, there are three key points you should consider. We must first realize that knowledge is power. Second, knowledge is cumulative. The third is to be aware of how quickly knowledge can change.

Knowledge is power. It allows us to make better decisions, and improve our lives. Perfect information would make it easy to make informed decisions. We'd do what we want, without worrying about whether it was correct or not.

Knowledge is not only power but also cumulative. This means that we add knowledge to our brains every time we learn something. As time passes, we get smarter and smarter. Knowledge accumulates.

Let's now move on to the third point. Knowledge is not static. Knowledge is ever-changing. Scientists are constantly discovering new facts, theories, or ways to think. There are always new discoveries.

Our culture depends heavily on technology, which makes it possible to have instant access to knowledge. Technology allows us to save vast amounts data and share it between millions of people across the globe.

Globalization has changed how we think about technology. Globalization refers the process whereby ideas and products are spread across borders. Knowledge is now easily accessible all over the world because of globalization.

The internet allows anyone to access information any where in the world. Anybody can access the internet to read, watch movies, listen and play music, as well as surf the net. All these activities require knowledge.

Information is becoming more accessible and more specialized. For example, if you go online today, you'll find hundreds of thousands of websites offering advice on topics such as health, finance, business, cooking, sports, and travel. These websites offer information on almost every topic you can think of.

If you want to buy a car online, however, you will likely only find a few dozen websites that provide automotive-related services. You won't find thousands of websites covering every subject. Instead, you'll only find a handful that deal with cars.

This specialization is because experts in particular fields can create and distribute valuable knowledge. Experts are often experts in a specific field. Experts are also skilled at producing content that is relevant to their target audience.

Because they don't have to look through tons of unimportant information, this is a good thing for consumers. Instead, they can concentrate on a few sites that have lots of useful content.

Experts also gain from specialization, as they can create strong businesses around the expertise that they have. The buyer of a book expects the author will be knowledgeable enough to explain the subject clearly and concisely. He wants to know that the author has understood his message.

Experts that aren't specialists risk losing potential clients who expect them to be experts.

Specialization isn't limited to just one area. Most people are experts in multiple areas today. A specialist could be an accountant. Not only are we likely to be a parent or spouse, but also friends, family, and fans.

Specialization is so common that some experts argue that it's impossible to succeed without being an expert in several different things.

So, how do you become a specialist in multiple areas? The answer is simple: practice. To learn anything, you have to practice. And when you make progress, you keep going until you reach a level where people recognize your expertise.

There are many industries that help others achieve this goal. Many courses, workshops and seminars, as well as schools, teach how to quickly gain knowledge.

Who said that history doesn't teach the ignorant?

Even though we want to live in an ideal universe where everyone learns through history, it's not possible to learn more from our failures.

The best way to learn how to do something correctly is to actually experience it.

It is a mistake to not do it correctly the first time.

As long you keep making adjustments, you'll eventually see the reason you made them.

You might even realize that you could have done this better the first attempt.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you should stop trying. It means you've learned a lot.

It may not always be possible to avoid making errors, but it is possible minimize them. This is the difference that makes the difference of success and failure.

Acknowledging your mistakes begins the process. Take a step back and look at your mistakes objectively. Then ask yourself, "What did you learn?"

When you're open with yourself, you will see that your failures are not failures. They're learning experiences that can help you grow.

And that's exactly what happened to Thomas Edison. He failed many more times before he invented the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, he used each one as an opportunity to improve his design.

And over time, he invented the most popular form of lighting today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your mistakes. Use them.

Then try again.


  • According to Smithsonian, mailing young James Beagle through postage cost only 15 cents, although his parents paid him $50. (
  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (
  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (

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What You Can Take From Nintendo's Weirdly Wonderful 125 Years

Fusajiro Youchi of Kyoto, Japan founded Nintendo 1889. In 1933, Osaka became its headquarters. Honshu followed in 1945. Nintendo launched its internet service provider "NIC" in 1996 (the Internet Corporation of Japan). In 2001, Nintendo Co., Ltd. became the name of this company.

In 2004, Nintendo introduced its first Wii console. This console was very popular. The Wii was equipped with motion sensing technology and used Gamecube's controller. Since then, Nintendo has released many games, including Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc.

2002 saw the release of the GameCube console. It was the successor the GameBoy Advance. The GameCube Controller looked similar to the Gameboy Color but had four buttons instead of two analog sticks. The Nintendo DS was introduced in 2004. The touchscreen interface was complemented by a stylus. There were three types: one had a camera built-in, another didn't have one, and then there was a third model that came with a stylus, but with a camera built-in. The Nintendo DS Lite came out in 2005. The original Nintendo DS Lite had a larger display. The Nintendo 3DS came out in 2011. It features 3D graphics. Each month, a different game is added to the system. They also produce 2D versions for some of their 3D-games.

Nintendo has also produced several handheld consoles such as the Super NES, SNES Classic Edition, N64, Game Boy Micro, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Advance, GBA SP, Nintendo DSi XL, Nintendo 3DS XL, and most recently, the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo has also made many different types of controllers. These controllers include: the GameCube controller; the Wii Remote; the Wii U Pro Controller; and the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con.

Nintendo has many popular characters. Mario, Yoshi and Link are just a few of the many famous Nintendo characters.

Mario is known for his mustache, his hat, his overalls, his big nose, his green skin, his red shell, his blue cape, his white boots, his yellow shoes, his brown shoes, his purple gloves, his orange pants, his pink shirt, his gray shirt, his black jacket, his light blue jacket, his white hat, his dark blue hat, his white scarf, his brown scarf, his red scarf, his green scarf, his blue scarf, his white gloves, his red gloves, his black gloves, his blue gloves, his white boots, and his red boots. He wears sunglasses when he plays tennis.

Luigi is well-known for his mustache, and his cap. He is known for his overalls, which include a green shirt and a striped shirt. When he plays, he wears glasses. His hair is always messy.

Yoshi is known for his mustache. He wears overalls and a green shirt. While playing tennis, he wears glasses.

Peach is famous because of her peach dress, necklace and parasol.

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