The YouTube Star Murdered By Her Most Obssessed Subscriber | Our History

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"St Petersburg, Florida, June 2016. A young man prepares himself for a pop concert in Orlando over the past months he's changed his look and lifestyle to appeal to the singer he's going to see. But he doesn't intend to enjoy the music he's in Orlando to kill teen idol Christina Grimmie. This is the story of an extraordinary and tragic obsession, how a young man fixated on a performer on a meteoric rise and how he decided that to commit the ultimate act of violence. Celebrity Obsessed Christina Grimmie tells the horrific truth of the dangers facing celebrities in the modern age. The program contains exclusive contributions from the journalist and broadcaster, Andy Jones as well as criminal behavioral analyst, Laura Richards. On the criminal analysis side, the episode also features criminologist Dr Bryanna Fox, as well as forensic psychologist, Kerry Daynes."

This film was first broadcast: 2018

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Start your journey of discovery with Our History, as we bring you eye-opening documentaries and educational programmes about our world history. We will guide you through awe-inspiring events from our past and help you get a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events that have shaped the world we live in today.

Content distributed by ITV Studios.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three most important lessons from history?

History is filled with examples of how mistakes can be learned from. We can apply them to today's business challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth.

The past has taught us that there is always a better way. You will always find someone who thinks outside of the box and takes chances that make them stand out.

History has shown us that often it is the underdogs that succeed. You can look back at those times when the underdog won.

You can learn from the past, and bring those lessons into the future. Learn from others' successes and failures.

Use these lessons to help you improve your success rate.

How to Learn Easily from Human History's Victories and Failures?

It doesn't take long for history to make a comeback. Learning from the mistakes of human past history doesn't require much time. You just need to avoid repeating the mistakes.

It is important to learn from the past and to apply these lessons to your business.

This is possible by studying books about leadership and managing strategies as well case studies of successful businesses that have been around for decades.

You can learn from their successes and avoid the pitfalls they fell into.

It is also possible to study the bankruptcy cases of other businesses. They failed because of this. Are there common themes between these failures? These insights can help to avoid costly mistakes.

You can also read about historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, John D. Rockefeller and Steve Jobs. While they may have had the best resumes in the history of the world, few knew how to manage people and run a business. So if you want to learn from their experiences, you need to find out why they made so many mistakes.

Learning from human history's mistakes and victories is simple. Just spend a few minutes each day thinking about what worked in the past and how you can apply it today.

What can Abraham Lincoln teach us?

Abraham Lincoln once said, "I am slow learning; very quick forgetting."

He was conscious of how important it was for him to keep learning. He also understood that he would eventually have to learn new habits.

This is true for our businesses as well. No matter how meticulously we plan for success and what our goals are, there will be moments when we get stuck in a rut.

It is vital to continually learn and develop new skills. We must never stop learning, even after reaching the top of our success.

Lincoln was the right person. Lincoln understood that he could be more efficient in his business but that he couldn't quit learning.

There are two types. Two types of entrepreneurs exist: those who stay busy and those with smart ideas.

Those who stay busy focus solely on growing their business. They spend their time on product development and marketing, as well as customer service.

They may feel like they've accomplished something meaningful, but often they're missing the mark. If these entrepreneurs don't focus on being smarter, they will not be able achieve sustainable growth.

What makes successful entrepreneurs different from average entrepreneurs? The ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

When faced with challenges, successful entrepreneurs always look for ways to improve their existing products or services.

On the other hand, average entrepreneurs cling to outdated methods that no longer work. They refuse to change course until their business fails.

You must be able to master both self-reflection and adaptation in order to succeed.

What lessons can history teach us?

We have three lessons from history. The first is that you have to do it yourself if you want to change the world. Second, it is essential to prepare people for change if you want to transform their lives. You can only change the future if it is better.

The first lesson is to recognize that there are two options for changing the world. One is fight for it. It is easy to lose sight of why you started a fight in the first place when you are focusing on winning.

You can't control how people react to your ideas, but you can control how you present them. If you try to convince someone, you will fail. But if you set out to inspire someone to action, you'll succeed.

Most great movements began because somebody had an idea and decided to act upon it. It doesn't matter if you're trying to create change or react to it. These are the rules that will help you make an impact.

The second lesson is that each of us has a choice. Either we wait for the right circumstances to unfold or we can make them happen. We must choose the kind of life that we want. Do we expect someone else to let us live? Or do we want to take charge of our destiny?

I think we're living a golden time right now. There are more possibilities than ever before, which has created a lot of excitement. People feel empowered to make their own futures and that's very exciting.

It also presents a problem. It's difficult for people to know exactly what they want or how to achieve it.

Let's suppose you want to buy your first house. You could relax and hope that someone will give you a gift voucher to Home Depot. Or you could ask yourself, "What would I love to do?" Next, find a job that allows you to do this. Apply for financing.

Let's suppose you want to travel the globe. The question you might be asking yourself is "Where do I want go?" Next, you might start saving money, looking up countries online, and talking to your friends. Then, you book a trip.

Let's suppose you don't know what you want. You'd likely end up doing one of these things anyway. This is how you can increase your chances for getting what you want. It may seem silly, but it works.

The third lesson is that you can always improve your future no matter what happens. It's easy. Your choices determine who you are and who you become.

The trick to success is to look back at history and learn from their mistakes and successes.

If you don’t believe that you have anything to contribute, then you are already behind. You must believe in yourself and that you are more than you believed.

Start with what you already know. Start small and go from there. Reflect on the lessons that you've taken from your experiences throughout your life. What have you failed at? Which areas have you excelled? How have you overcome obstacles?

Remember that you are the only one who can limit your potential. You can accomplish anything, no matter what anyone tells you.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing will be successful unless you do."


  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (
  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (
  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (

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How To

What can humankind learn from the past mistakes of our ancestors?

We've been here before. It's okay to learn from history. It may even help humanity survive another crisis.

It is possible to make it through this life if you keep your mind open and learn from the lessons.

It is difficult to learn from the past, and to accept that our human nature hasn’t changed significantly since the beginning.

The wisdom of the old ways is vast, but we tend not to pay attention because they contradict our beliefs. We tend to cling to the old ways instead of accepting new changes.

But the world changes and our relationship with it is changing. Our environment is becoming more complex. We have more problems.

This means that we must also change. That makes us vulnerable to failing because we can't rely upon the strategies that worked before.

This can lead to us losing sight of our core values and becoming slaves to our routines.

Our brains are able to adapt to situations that existed thousands years ago. But those days aren't gone forever.

The future doesn't seem set in stone. There's still room for improvement.

Humans can still accomplish great feats. We can still create remarkable technologies. To discover new frontiers, and explore unexplored territory.

But we choose to be limited. To fear change. To reject evolution. To believe that what worked yesterday will work tomorrow.

Some people try to fight this trend. They view themselves as rebels against the status quo. Fighting against the establishment. Against the system.

They see themselves as rebels who love to defy convention. Who challenge the norms and conventions of society.

They rebel against rules. They loathe conformity. They don't pay attention to social expectations. They think they know better than everyone else.

To them, I say "Good Luck!"

It will be your lifeline!

You're facing a difficult battle. The forces driving mainstream society are strong.

There are many places on the planet where the majority is not interested in you speaking. No interest in listening to your point.

No matter how brilliant and well-intentioned your ideas are, it doesn't make a difference. Your ideas might not catch on with the masses.

Your message could go unheard. This is why you will need to learn from history.

Because that's where the real power is. This is where you truly can make a difference.

You can encourage others to pursue their dreams. You can help transform communities by building movements.

So let me ask you something. Are you willing to live up to the expectations of others? Or would you prefer to set your own course?