This Explorer Encountered A Mysterious Breed Of Jungle Chimpanzee Clan The Size Of Humans

This explorer encountered a mysterious breed of jungle Chimpanzee clan the size of humans. Today, we take a look at what this explorer encountered inside this jungle.

Over a century ago, Belgium colonizers found a large primate skull during their rampage in the northern Congo. The locals would tell them stories of mysterious large apes that would attack and eat lions.

Gorillas were never before found in this region of northern Congo, so researchers and explorers were confused and intrigued. They believed it to be an entirely new species of ape, although they never found any additional evidence or proof of life.

The skull was promptly left to collect dust in the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Belgium until the 1990’s when Karl Ammann read about them in a scientific article. He was a Swiss-born photographer and devoted conservationist.

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