This NASA Team Will Send Out A Probe & It's Hunting For Signs Of Fossils Within Our Solar System

This NASA team will send out a probe & it's hunting for signs of fossils within our Solar System. Today, we take a look at what this NASA mission is searching for within our Solar System.

There is always mystery surrounding us, and it is human nature to be fascinated by what we cannot understand. Inexplicable phenomena are discovered every day, making us work harder to understand the world we live in, and the universe that our world is a part of. Every-day it is possible to find something new and exciting, big or small, in your own backyard or in the depths of galaxies so far away we have never seen them before. Some take us to different solar systems, and tell us about the cosmos, some tell us about our human histories, and our planet’s history alike.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

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