This Video From 1998 Predicted The Future We Live Today | Our History

This off-beat and thought-provoking programme explores forecasts for the millennium, from Nostradamus and Mother Shipton in the 16th century to wandering asteroids, new viruses and the possibility of chaos among computers. It talks to scientists, personalities and people with religious 'Doomsday' convictions.

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This film was first broadcast: 19 May 1998

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Start your journey of discovery with Our History, as we bring you eye-opening documentaries and educational programmes about our world history. We will guide you through awe-inspiring events from our past and help you get a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events that have shaped the world we live in today.

Content distributed by ITV Studios.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can we learn from Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln said, "I am slow to learn; very quick to forget."

He understood how important it is to keep learning. He also knew that there would come an occasion when he would need the ability to abandon old habits and learn new ones.

The same holds true for our businesses. No matter how much we plan for success in the future, there will always be times when we are unable to move forward and end up stuck in a rut.

This is why it is so important to constantly learn new ways to grow. If we are to achieve the pinnacle, we must keep learning.

Lincoln was a good example of the right attitude. He knew that he could improve his business' effectiveness, but he couldn’t stop learning.

There are two types of entrepreneurs. Those who stay busy and those who stay smart.

Those who are busy concentrate on growing their businesses. They will be involved in product development, marketing strategies, customer service, or any other daily tasks.

They may feel accomplished, but they are often missing the mark. If these entrepreneurs don't focus on being smarter, they will not be able achieve sustainable growth.

What is the difference between successful entrepreneurs and average entrepreneurs? The ability to adapt quickly and to change circumstances.

Entrepreneurs are successful because they look for ways of improving their products and services in the face of challenges.

However, the average entrepreneur will stick with outdated methods that do not work. They won't change until their business is destroyed.

To be successful, you have to master both the art and skill of self-reflection.

Who first said that people who don't learn history from the past are stupid?

Even though we want to live in an ideal universe where everyone learns through history, it's not possible to learn more from our failures.

It's not better to try something wrong than to learn how to do it right.

The most serious mistake is to try to make it right the first go.

You'll eventually discover why you made the changes if you continue to make them.

It is possible to discover that you could have done things better the first time around.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you should stop trying. That's a sign that you have learned a lot.

Even though you cannot avoid making mistakes completely, you can minimize them. That's what makes the difference between success or failure.

It all starts with acknowledging your mistakes. Look at your mistakes objectively, and then ask yourself: "What lessons have I learned?"

You'll find that mistakes can be viewed as lessons if you are honest with yourself. They are learning opportunities.

Thomas Edison went through exactly the same thing. He failed many other times before he inventing the lightbulb.

He didn't let his failures discourage him. Instead, he saw each failure as an opportunity for improvement in his design.

He invented the best form of lighting that is popular today.

So, if you fail, don't get discouraged. Learn from your mistakes. Take advantage of them.

And then try again.

What lessons can be learned from history?

There are three lessons we've learned from history. To change the world, you have to do it all yourself. Second, when you change how people live, you must ensure they're ready for it. The third thing you must do to improve the future is to first change how people live.

The first lesson is that there are two ways to change the world. One is to fight to get it. The other is to create. You can lose sight of the reason you started fighting.

Although you cannot control the reactions of people to your ideas, you can control how they are presented. You'll inevitably fail if you set out to convince someone of something. However, if you are determined to motivate someone to take action, you will succeed.

Every great movement began with someone who had an idea and decided that they would act on it. You can create change or respond to it. The best way to do this is to be clear and honest about your goals, where you are coming from, and to be bold enough to take the initiative to go places no one has before.

The second lesson is the fact that we all have the power to make our lives better. We can either wait for our lives to happen to us, or we can choose to make them happen. This means we need to choose what kind of life you want. Do we expect someone else to let us live? Do we want to control our destiny?

I'd argue that we're living in a golden age right now. There's more opportunity than ever before, creating a lot of excitement. People feel empowered, which is exciting.

However, it can also be a problem. It's difficult for people to know exactly what they want or how to achieve it.

Let's assume you want to purchase a house. You could wait and see if someone gives you Home Depot gift certificates. Or, you can ask yourself, "What do I love to be doing?" Look for a job which allows you to do that. Final step: Apply for financing.

Now let's imagine you wanted to travel around the world. The question you might be asking yourself is "Where do I want go?" You might then start saving money and researching other countries online. Finally, you would book a plane.

Let's suppose you don't know what you want. If that were the case, you would probably do one of those things anyway. But by asking yourself questions like this, you increase your chances of getting what you want. It might seem ridiculous, but it's true.

The third lesson is that regardless of what happens next, there are always ways to improve the future. It is very simple. Your choices determine who you are and who you become.

So the trick is to use history as a guide, to learn from others' mistakes and successes, and keep improving until you succeed.

If you don't believe you have something to offer the world, you're already behind. You have to believe that you're better than you thought you were.

Don't worry if you don't know where you should start. Start small, and work your way up. Look back at the things you've done throughout your lifetime. What have you failed at? What were your successes? How did you overcome your obstacles?

You are the only person who can limit what you can do. No matter what anyone says, you can do anything you put your mind to.

Benjamin Franklin stated, "Nothing can work unless it works."

What are the three most important lessons from history?

History is full of examples of how we can learn from our mistakes. We can apply them to today's business challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth.

We have learned from the past that there are always other ways to do things. There is always someone out there who thinks outside the box and takes risks that make them stand apart.

History has shown us that often it is the underdogs that succeed. When you feel overwhelmed, stuck or lost, think back to the times when they won.

Look to the past and find ways to bring the lessons forward into the future. Learn from the failures and successes of others.

These lessons will help improve your success rate.


  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (
  • Only 2.5% of Americans owned stocks in 1929. (
  • The classic clown stylings we know today have specific origins, according to u/Bodark34. (
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (

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How To

What can we learn from the mistakes made by our ancestors in the past?

We've been here before, we'll probably be here again. However, there is nothing wrong with learning from past mistakes. It could even help humanity get through another crisis.

If we keep an open mind and look for lessons to guide us forward, we may make it out alive.

We fail to learn from our mistakes and ignore the fact that human nature hasn’t changed much in the past. This is the problem.

There are many wisdoms in the old methods, but because they clash with our beliefs, we tend to ignore them. So instead of embracing changes, we find difficult, we cling to the familiar.

But the world changes and our relationship with it is changing. Our environment is becoming more complex. We have more problems.

That means we need to change too. This makes us more susceptible to failure, as we won't have the same strategies that worked previously.

If we do this, we lose sight and succumb to our habits.

Our brains evolved to adapt and cope with conditions that existed thousands upon thousands of year ago. Those days aren’t gone forever.

The future isn’t set in stone. There is still much to be done.

Amazing feats can still be achieved by humans. We can still create remarkable technologies. To explore unknown frontiers.

Yet, we tend to limit our abilities. To fear change. To reject evolution. To think that what worked yesterday will still work tomorrow.

Some people are trying to reverse this trend. They view themselves as rebels against the status quo. Fighting against the establishment. Oppose the system.

They see themselves as rebels who take pride in defying convention. They are those who challenge the conventions and norms of society.

They defy rules and regulations. They hate conformity. They don't care much about social expectations. They believe they know more than anyone else.

To these people, I say good luck!

It will be your lifeline!

You are fighting an uphill struggle. Mainstream society is driven by powerful forces.

In many places around the globe, the majority has no interest in listening to you. No interest in considering your point of view.

No matter how brilliant and well-intentioned your ideas are, it doesn't make a difference. Your ideas may not be popular with the masses.

Your message could go unheard. This is why you will need to learn from history.

This is where you can really make a difference. This is where you can truly make a difference.

This is where others can be inspired to achieve their goals. These are the places where you can make a difference and transform the world.

So let me ask you something. Are you willing to live up to the expectations of others? Would you prefer to choose your own path?

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