Unraveling the Mysteries of the Holy Grail - Forbidden History - S02 EP2 - History Documentary

The physical existence of the Holy Grail is unlikely, but its symbolic value has led to the discovery and debate of various cups with religious significance, with the Santo Kalis having the most evidence.


Explore the untold secrets and hidden truths of our past in the gripping documentary series Forbidden History. Hosted by the enigmatic Jamie Theakston, this captivating show delves into controversial theories, ancient enigmas, and suppressed historical events. Uncover the mysteries behind ancient artifacts, delve into forgotten civilizations, and challenge conventional narratives. Through in-depth investigations and expert interviews, Forbidden History sheds light on intriguing topics such as conspiracy theories, lost treasures, paranormal phenomena, and hidden codes. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through time as you question established beliefs, uncover long-held secrets, and unlock the forbidden chapters of our shared history. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking exploration of forbidden knowledge, as we unravel the enigmatic tapestry of human civilization. Join us as we delve into the depths of the past, seeking answers and unveiling the fascinating mysteries that have shaped our world. Are you ready to challenge the established historical accounts and discover the forbidden truths that lie beneath the surface?


Welcome to Banijay History, the ultimate destination for history buffs and enthusiasts! Our YouTube channel features an extensive collection of history documentaries, historical TV series, and full-length history documentary series that cover everything from ancient history to military history and beyond.

Our channel provides a captivating insight into the past, exploring fascinating historical events and stories from around the world. Whether you're interested in world war documentaries, the history of the world, or true historical documentary series, we have something for everyone. Our history channel features a range of documentaries, including military documentary history channel series that take you on a journey through some of the most significant conflicts in history. We also have a wide selection of full-length history documentaries that offer a deep dive into some of the most interesting historical events.

If you're a fan of the history TV genre, Banijay History is the perfect channel for you. We offer the best historical TV shows and documentaries, providing a comprehensive overview of the history of the world. So, if you're looking for an interesting and informative history channel documentary, look no further than Banijay History.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can our mistakes teach?

When you make a mistake, don't worry about it too much because it's a learning experience. It's a learning experience that will help you to improve your skills. Even more important, you can correct any mistakes you make. Don't fret about the little stuff, because mistakes are okay. They happen to all of us.

Although you might feel embarrassed by a mistake you made, it doesn’t matter how bad you feel. What matters is how you deal with those mistakes. You'll be unable to deal with them if they become a problem. However, if they are seen as opportunities for growth you will come out the other side stronger.

The best way to overcome a mistake is to acknowledge and move past it. Focus on the next step and don't dwell on the past. Keep moving.

Don't dwell on your mistakes. Instead, learn from your mistakes and look for ways you can improve. Learn from your mistakes and be better tomorrow.

Successful Inventions Made from Accident

Inventors make mistakes. How we deal with those mistakes is what determines whether our inventions succeed or fail.

When it comes to invention, there are no accidents. Each invention was created intentionally. There are no accidental inventions.

An invention can be described as a deliberate act. A deliberate decision to create something new. A solution to a problem. Someone's quality of life will be improved.

The key to success is not assuming that everything happens by accident. Instead of trying to avoid mistakes, learn from them.

Although it would be nice to think that invention is easy, it's not. Invention takes persistence and hard work. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

That means you must spend a lot of time thinking about problems and ideas. What are people interested in? What do they need?

These are questions that you should ask yourself. These questions will help determine what product or service you should create next.

To achieve this, it is important to forget about any preconceived ideas. Don't make assumptions about what people want or need. You need to pay attention to the needs of your potential customers and customers.

You have to learn what they want. Not what they tell you they want.

Once you know what your customers want, it is time to create a way for them to get it. This is where invention starts.

What is the greatest thing about history?

There is no easy answer to this question. When thinking about learning, there are three key points you should consider. First, we must realize that knowledge is power. Second, we must recognize that knowledge is cumulative. Third, knowledge is constantly changing.

Knowledge is power. It allows us to make better decisions, and improve our lives. We wouldn't have any problems making decisions if we had perfect information. We would always do what we want without worrying about if it was right or wrong.

However, while knowledge is power, it is also cumulative. This means that we add knowledge to our brains every time we learn something. As we get smarter, our brains become more sophisticated. Knowledge accumulates.

Let's now turn our attention to the third. Although knowledge is cumulative, it doesn’t stay static very long. Knowledge is ever-changing. Scientists are constantly discovering new facts, theories, or ways to think. Every day, new discoveries are made.

Our culture is dependent on technology that allows us instant access to information. Technology allows you to store massive amounts of data in digital format and share them with millions of people all over the world.

Globalization has influenced the way we look at knowledge, in addition to technology. Globalization is the process by which ideas and products spread across borders. Globalization has made knowledge accessible to everyone.

The internet allows anyone to access information any where in the world. Anyone can read books, watch movies, listen to music, play video games, and surf the web. All of these activities require knowledge.

Knowledge is becoming more available, but it is also becoming more niche. If you search online for advice on health, finance or business, you will find hundreds of thousands of sites offering information about topics such as cooking, travel, sport, or business. These sites have information on every topic.

However, if you search online for automotive-related products and services, there are only a handful of sites. There will not be thousands of sites that cover every subject. You'll only find a handful of sites that specialize in cars.

Experts in specific fields are able to create and share valuable knowledge. Experts often have a deep knowledge of a particular area. Experts have the ability to create high-quality content specifically for their audience.

This is great news for consumers as they no longer have to search through a lot of useless information. Instead, they can rely on a limited number of websites that offer lots of valuable content.

Experts can also benefit from specialization as they are able to build strong businesses around what they know. If someone purchases a book, they expect the author to be an expert in his field and to present a clear and concise explanation. He wants to know that the author has understood his message.

Experts who do not specialize risk losing potential customers.

There are many areas of expertise. Many people today are experts in many areas. One might be an accountant, lawyer, doctor, teacher, or other specialist. It is also possible to be a parent, spouse, friend, or fan.

Specialization is so common that some experts argue that it's impossible to succeed without being an expert in several different things.

So, how do you become a specialist in multiple areas? The simple answer is practice. You have to put in the time to learn. And when you make progress, you keep going until you reach a level where people recognize your expertise.

There are whole industries dedicated to helping others reach this goal. Many courses, workshops and seminars, as well as schools, teach how to quickly gain knowledge.

What lessons can be learned from history?

Three lessons can be learned from history. The first is that you have to do it yourself if you want to change the world. You must make sure people are ready to change the way they live. Third, when you change the future, you have to make it better.

The first lesson is that you can change the world in two ways. One is fight for it. You can lose sight of the reason you started fighting.

It is impossible to control how people respond to your ideas. However, it is possible to control how you present them. If you try to convince someone, you will fail. But if you set out to inspire someone to action, you'll succeed.

Every great movement began with someone who had an idea and decided that they would act on it. It doesn't matter if you're trying to create change or react to it. These are the rules that will help you make an impact.

The second lesson we learn is that everyone has the option to choose. We have two options: we can wait for life to happen to you or we can make it happen. This means we must decide what kind of life we want to lead. Do we expect someone else to let us live? Or do we want to take charge of our destiny?

I believe we are living in a golden era. There are more possibilities than ever before, which has created a lot of excitement. It's exciting that people feel empowered and able to create their futures.

But it also creates a problem. It's not easy to know what you want or how to get it. Therefore, it is important to identify what you want and then find a way.

Let's assume you want to purchase a house. You could sit back and hope someone gives you a gift certificate to Home Depot. Or, you can ask yourself, "What do I love to be doing?" Look for a job which allows you to do that. Next, apply for financing.

Now, let's say you wanted to travel the world. Perhaps you are asking, "Where do i want to go?" You'd then begin saving money, researching different countries online and speaking with friends. You'd then book a ticket.

Let's say that you don't have a clear idea of what you want. In this case, you'd probably end-up doing one of the things. Asking yourself these questions will increase your chances of getting the results you desire. It may seem odd, but it works.

The third lesson is to never lose sight of the possibility of improving the future. This is because it's simple. Your choices influence who you are and what you become.

The trick to success is to look back at history and learn from their mistakes and successes.

If you don’t feel you have any value to the world, you are already behind. You must believe in yourself and that you are more than you believed.

If you don't know where to begin, start with what you know. Start small and build from there. Look back at the things you've done throughout your lifetime. What are you most proud of? What were your successes? How did you overcome obstacles?

You are the only person who can limit what you can do. No matter what anyone may say, you can do whatever you want.

Benjamin Franklin wrote, "Nothing works unless you do."

What are three lessons history can teach us?

There are plenty of examples from history that show how we can learn lessons from our mistakes. These lessons can be applied to the challenges of business today and turned into opportunities for growth.

Our past has shown us that there's always another way. There's always someone out there that thinks outside the box, and takes risks that make him or her stand out.

History also shows us that it's often the underdogs who succeed. If you ever feel lost, overwhelmed or stuck, remember the times when the underdog prevailed.

Take a look back at the past to learn from it and make improvements for the future. Learn from the failures and successes of others.

These lessons can help increase your success rates.


  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (lifehacker.com)
  • It is estimated that more than 400,000 workers died; some are said to be buried in the long wall. (knownepal.net)
  • If you consider that 10% to 30% might be tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, then sure, that matters. (lifehacker.com)
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (lifehacker.com)
  • According to Smithsonian, mailing young James Beagle through postage cost only 15 cents, although his parents paid him $50. (medium.com)

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How To

What can humankind learn by the past mistakes of its ancestors?

We've been there before, and we'll be back. It's okay to learn from history. It could even help humanity get through another crisis.

If we keep an open mind and look for lessons to guide us forward, we may make it out alive.

Problem is when we don't learn from the mistakes of the past and deny that the human nature hasn’t changed much since the beginning.

Although there is a lot to be learned from the old ways, we often ignore them as they are inconsistent with our beliefs. Instead of accepting changes that we find difficult, instead we hold on to what is familiar.

The world is constantly changing and our way of living together changes. The environment we live in is getting more complicated, which means that there are more problems to be solved.

This means that we must also change. We're more likely to fail if we don't use the same strategies as before.

Doing that can cause us to lose sight our values and make us slaves of our habits.

Our brains evolved to adapt to conditions that existed thousands of years ago. These days won't last forever.

The future is not set in stone. There is still much to be done.

Humans can still accomplish great feats. Amazing technologies can be created. To discover new frontiers and explore uncharted territories.

We often limit ourselves. To fear change. To reject evolution. To believe that what worked yesterday will be the same tomorrow.

Some people are trying to reverse this trend. They see themselves as warriors against the status quo. Fighting against the establishment. Against the system.

They consider themselves rebels and take pride in challenging convention. They are those who challenge the conventions and norms of society.

They rebel against rules and regulations. They are against conformity. They don’t care about social expectations. They believe they know more than anyone else.

To these people, I say good luck!

You will need it!

You are fighting an uphill struggle. The forces driving mainstream society are strong.

Many people around the world have no interest in hearing your point of view. No interest in listening to your point.

It doesn’t matter how brilliant, well-intentioned, or bright you may be. You might not find the right people to share your ideas.

Your message could fall on deaf ears. This is why you will need to learn from history.

Because that is where the real power lies. This is where the real power lies.

This is where you can inspire others. You can help transform communities by building movements.

Let me ask you a question. Is it your goal to live up the other person's expectations all of the time? Or, would you rather choose to create your own path?