How Close Did The Year 2000 Come To Predicting The Modern Day? | Our History

This futuristic series this week speculates on the world of work in 20 years' time and 'the environment'.

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In tonight's programme we learn how genetically-engineered "Frankenstein foods" might actually improve your health. And meet the people who say we'll soon have to stop blaming industry for pollution - the culprits are a lot closer to home. Can we come up with radical solutions to gridlock, or will the future just be one long traffic jam? Never mind - we could be close to a breakthrough that'll mean goodbye to fossil fuels forever, as we manufacture energy from thin air. But will global warming wreck it all, and how worried should we be?

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Start your journey of discovery with Our History, as we bring you eye-opening documentaries and educational programmes about our world history. We will guide you through awe-inspiring events from our past and help you get a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events that have shaped the world we live in today.

Content distributed by ITV Studios.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do our mistakes teach us?

Make mistakes, but don't fret about them. That means you'll learn something. You can also learn from your mistakes. You shouldn't stress about the small details. They happen to all of us.

Even though you may feel embarrassed after making a mistake it doesn't mean you have to feel guilty. It's how you deal with your mistakes that matters most. If you let them bother you, they'll eat away at you inside. But if you view them as opportunities for growth, you'll come out stronger on the other side.

The best way to overcome a mistake is to acknowledge and move past it. Focus on the next step and don't dwell on the past. Keep moving.

Don't dwell on your mistakes. Instead, focus on your strengths and work towards improving yourself. Learn from your mistakes to improve your future.

Successful Inventions Created by Accident

Inventors make errors. How we deal with those mistakes is what determines whether our inventions succeed or fail.

The fact is there are no accidents when it comes to invention. Every invention was done intentionally. There are no accidental inventions.

An invention can be described as a deliberate act. Intentionally making something new. Something that solves a problem. You can make someone's life easier.

To be successful inventing is to understand that nothing happens by chance. Instead of trying to avoid making mistakes, learn from them.

As much as we would love to say that invention is easy, it isn't. Invention is hard work. It's not a quick fix. It takes time.

That means you must spend a lot of time thinking about problems and ideas. What are people interested in? What do they want?

These are the questions you need to ask. These questions will help you decide what type of product or service to develop next.

This is possible only if you let go any preconceived notions. Preconceived notions about what the world needs or wants are not valid. Listen carefully to potential and actual customers.

You have to learn what they want. You must learn what they really want.

Once you know what your customers want, it is time to create a way for them to get it. This is where invention begins.

What is the most valuable thing that you have learned in history?

There is no easy answer to this question. Learning is about three things. First, knowledge is power. Second, knowledge is cumulative. The third is to be aware of how quickly knowledge can change.

Knowledge is power. Because it empowers people to make better decisions. If we had complete information, we wouldn't have any difficulty making decisions. We would always do exactly what we wanted without worrying about whether it was right or wrong.

Knowledge, although it is power, is also cumulative. This means that after we've acquired knowledge, we continue to learn more. As time goes on, we become smarter. Knowledge accumulates.

Now, let's look at the third point. Although knowledge is cumulative it doesn't remain static for very long. Knowledge is ever-changing. Every day, scientists discover new facts, theories, and ways of thinking. Every day, scientists discover new facts and theories.

Our culture depends heavily on technology, which makes it possible to have instant access to knowledge. Technology allows us to store huge amounts of data electronically and share it with millions around the globe.

In addition to technology, globalization has changed the way we view knowledge. Globalization is the process by which ideas and products spread across borders. Globalization means that knowledge is accessible anywhere.

The internet enables anyone to access information anywhere in the world. You can watch movies, browse the internet, listen or play music and read books. All these activities require knowledge.

While knowledge is becoming increasingly accessible, it is also becoming more specialized. For example, if you go online today, you'll find hundreds of thousands of websites offering advice on topics such as health, finance, business, cooking, sports, and travel. These websites offer information on almost every topic you can think of.

However, if you search online for automotive-related products and services, there are only a handful of sites. You won't find thousands of websites covering every subject. Instead, you'll only find a handful that deal with cars.

Because experts in certain fields can share and create valuable knowledge, this is why specialization is important. Experts often have deep knowledge of a field. Experts are also skilled at producing content that is relevant to their target audience.

Consumers will appreciate this specialization because they won't have to go through tons of irrelevant information. Instead, they can rely on a limited number of websites that offer lots of valuable content.

Experts also have the advantage of specialization. They can build strong businesses around this expertise. He expects the author of a book to have a thorough knowledge of his subject to provide a clear and concise explanation. He wants to be sure that the author understands what he is trying to communicate.

If an expert does not specialize, he risks losing out on potential customers who expect him to be knowledgeable.

The scope of specialization doesn't stop at one area. Today, most of us are specialists in many different areas. We might be an accountant, a lawyer, a doctor, or a teacher. We are also likely to be parents, spouses and friends.

Experts agree that it is impossible to succeed in one area without being skilled in another.

How do you become an expert on multiple subjects? You can do it by practicing. To learn anything, you have to practice. When you start to make progress, it's important to keep going until your skills are recognized by others.

There are whole industries dedicated to helping others reach this goal. Many courses, workshops and seminars, as well as schools, teach how to quickly gain knowledge.

What can we learn by Abraham Lincoln's example?

Abraham Lincoln said that he was slow to learn, but quick to forget.

He understood how important it is to keep learning. He also knew that there would come an occasion when he would need the ability to abandon old habits and learn new ones.

The same applies to our businesses. We will hit roadblocks sometimes, and get stuck in unproductive ruts no matter how many times we plan for our success.

It is vital to continually learn and develop new skills. Even after we achieve success, it is essential to continue learning.

Lincoln had the right mindset. He understood that his business could be more successful, but he couldn’t afford to stop learning.

There are two types entrepreneur. Two types of entrepreneurs exist: those who stay busy and those with smart ideas.

Those who keep busy are focused on their business' growth. They focus on customer service and marketing strategies.

While they may feel they have accomplished something worthwhile, many times they don't. Entrepreneurs who aren't focused on learning more won't see sustainable growth.

What is the difference between successful entrepreneurs and average entrepreneurs? The ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

Successionable entrepreneurs look for ways that they can improve their products or services when faced with difficult situations.

The average businessperson, however, will continue to use outdated methods that don't work. They won't change until their business is destroyed.

To be successful, you have to master both the art and skill of self-reflection.

Is it possible to learn from the past and not repeat past mistakes?

History repeats itself, because we continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly. We fail to learn from our mistakes. We don't change. We become complacent. We settle in mediocrity.

History repeats itself because we believe the same old stories. We have been taught to believe there are unchanging laws and fixed truths. That we cannot do anything to affect them.

This prevents us thinking critically. The ability to question authority. To challenge assumptions. And when we don't question, we don't grow. We stagnate if we don’t move forward. If we stagnate, then we make the exact same mistakes.

But history doesn't repeat itself because we make the same mistakes. History repeats itself because we don't learn from our errors and keep making the same mistakes.

Change your perception of the world and yourself to stop the cycle. Everything is subject to constant flux. Everything is subject to constant flux.

Accepting uncertainty is the key to breaking this cycle. Accepting that things may go wrong. Accept that failure is possible. Accepting that failure is possible.

Accept that your goals may not be achieved. You can accept this, but you must continue to strive for improvement.

It's impossible to move forward if you hold onto the past. If you insist on the existence of fixed truths, then you will never move forward.

To achieve freedom, you must be open to change. To move forward, you must give up control.


  • According to Smithsonian, mailing young James Beagle through postage cost only 15 cents, although his parents paid him $50. (
  • During the Peak of her power, She commanded over 1,800 pirate ships and an estimated 80,000 men. (
  • According to the wiki Napoleon Bonaparte who led many successful battles during the French revolution and gained popularity as Little Corporal was 1.68 meters long, equivalent to 5 foot 6 inches, which is indeed the average height of men. (
  • But 95% of amputations were done with anesthesia, u/Thrabalen points out. (
  • For example, your chance of survival might go from 10% to 30% in some zones. (

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How To

Accidental discoveries lead to the discovery of penicillin

How did penicillin get created?

Penicillin was discovered accidentally when Alexander Fleming noticed mold growing on some bacteria cultures he had left out. He believed that mold might kill the bacteria and therefore he attempted to find a solution.

He found that penicillin killed the mold, and then he realized that this new substance could also help fight infections caused by bacteria. Penicillin was a major medical breakthrough. It saved millions of lives, and it changed the course forever of medicine.

Alexander Fleming wasn't aware at first that this discovery would be so crucial. And neither did anyone else. Nobody knew penicillin would be such a powerful anti-biotic.

Penicillin was discovered to be effective in fighting bacterial infections by scientists only after World War II. The U.S. Army wanted to know if Dr. Fleming could use penicillin for soldiers suffering from infections with deadly germs. Dr. Fleming agreed.

Penicillin was found to be effective against many different types of infection. It saved the lives and limbs of many wounded soldiers during World War II. It saved many lives and helped doctors continue their work after the war.

Dr. Fleming was not prepared for his discovery to have such profound effects. He wanted to make sure mold wouldn't grow on bacteria cultures that he had previously studied. But he couldn't imagine how this simple experiment would lead to an incredible medical breakthrough.

Truth is that most discoveries every day don’t appear to add up to anything significant. They're just experiments done for no particular reason.

When you look back over history, you see that sometimes those seemingly unimportant experiments can change everything.

Discoveries that seem to have nothing in common end up being incredibly important. Penicillin was discovered. Or photography. Or electricity. Or even computers.

It doesn't happen just because someone has an idea. It happens when someone solves a problem. Then they experiment to solve their problem.